QuestionResearch paper based on the personal experience, internship…Research  paper based on the p

QuestionResearch paper based on the personal experience, internship…Research  paper based on the personal experience, internship experience. You can use research similar article from online. Use the humanmetrics survey combined with the Public Health Assessment. By the end of your papers –  the reader should have gained a better understanding of……if your experience fits the theory (that is…. leadership and management theory).  The introduction should have defined the variables (2 surveys, the internship, and leadership), discussed the supporting/background theory of those variables and offered a purpose.  The review/discussion section should have explained the data (the survey results) and the conclusion should have made note of if that data complemented or contradicted the purpose and theory (introduction) survey 1 Public Health Leadership and Management Self Assessment  Introduction  The purpose of this self assessment is to help you discover your level of competency on  key dimensions of management in public health.  A competency is any knowledge or skill of an individual or organization that has been  shown to cause or predict outstanding performance. A collection of competencies make up  a behavioral roadmap that is directly related to both individual and organizational  performance.  By assessing your level of knowledge or skill for each competency indicator described, you  will be able to prioritize your learning time to focus on those areas that are most important  to you and to concentrate where the need for training and learning may be greatest.  How to complete this self assessment  The self assessment should take about 20 minutes to complete. It is divided into the  following key dimensions of management:  • Visionary Leadership & Systems Thinking  • Basic Public Health Sciences  • Management – Program, Financial, Personnel, Risk  • Politics and Public Health Law  • Community  1) Read each competency indicator listed under the key dimension.  2) In each dimension, and for each competency indicator, think about what level you are  currently able to perform the skill. Then rate your level of proficiency on each indicator  by clicking the drop down menu arrow (  ) to select a number on the continuum from  “None” (1) to “Proficient” (4) that best describes your self reported level of expertise for  that indicator. Note: The competency indicators listed in each key dimension should be  interpreted as broadly as possible to apply to your position and principal setting of  employment.  In the example below, you would select number “4” for “Proficient” if you think you are  excelling at this competency or select “1” for “None” if feel you need a great deal of  improvement.  1  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment Example:  To what degree are you able to effectively… communicate the role of governmental  public health within the local public health system?  1=None  I am unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item 2=Aware  I have heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill 3=Knowledgeable  (Know)  I am comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4=Proficient (Prof)  I am very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others   3) At the end of each key dimension there is a place to write any comments you have. For  example, if you think a competency is not applicable to the job or if you feel like an  expert but may still want training or learning opportunities in a particular skill, please  enter your comments in the comments section. These comments may be helpful to you  and your supervisor in planning for your professional development.  4) When you have entered in your responses, your results will be tabulated automatically  at the end of each key dimension and also entered automatically into the corresponding  row in the “Your results” section at the end of the self assessment.  5) Review your results and follow the guidance offered in the “Interpreting your results”  section to determine your next steps.  6) Enter your name, agency, county and date you completed the self assessment into the  text boxes on the last page.  To save this self assessment with your responses, click “File” then “Save” on the Adobe  Reader toolbar. You can now store this file on your computer for future reference.  To print the self assessment with your responses, click the “Print” icon on the Adobe  Reader toolbar or the “Print Assessment” button at the end of the self assessment.  To email your completed self assessment to NC Public Health Academy staff, click the  “Email Assessment” button at the end of the self assessment.  Although you are asked to provide your name, the name of the agency you work for, the  county in which you work, and the date you completed the self assessment, your  responses are confidential and will not be shared with anyone. Your responses will be  combined with responses from others who have taken the self assessment and will then  be aggregated at the state level. We ask for your name, agency and date only in the  event we need to follow up with you about your self assessment or any comments you  have made. The aggregated information will help the NC Public Health Academy  understand the training and professional development needs of public health  professionals in North Carolina and help us to better plan programs and learning  opportunities that address those needs. Thank you for your important contribution  to this effort. 2  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment  Visionary Leadership & Systems Thinking  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… 1  Create a culture of ethical  standards within the organization  32  Lead efforts to create shared  vision and values and use these  principles to guide action  13  Coach, inspire, and motivate  others to accomplish the mission  of the agency  34  Identify your personal leadership  style and determine the strengths  and limits of this style  35  Describe the role of cultural,  social, and behavioral factors in  determining the delivery of public  health services  36  Communicate the role of  governmental public health within  the public health system  37  Keep updated on local factors that  might affect the local health  jurisdiction and the delivery of  essential public health services  within the community  2  Average total  2.57   I am interested about Communicate the role of governmental public health  Comments:  within the public health system3  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment Basic Public Health Sciences  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… 1  Identify the individual’s and  organization’s responsibilities  within the context of the essential  public health services and core  functions  32  Apply the basic public health  sciences, including behavioral and  social sciences, biostatistics,  epidemiology, environmental  public health, and prevention of  injury and chronic and infectious  diseases  33  Obtain and evaluate published  information to inform public health  decisions  34  Define, assess and communicate  the health status of populations,  determinants of health and illness,  factors contributing to health  promotion and disease prevention,  and factors influencing the use of  health services  35  Collaborate with colleagues and  the community to investigate and  manage public health problems  36  Mobilize resources in the  community needed to increase  access to public health and health  care services  37  Describe the public-health aspects  of emergency planning  1  Continued on next page  4  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment  Basic Public Health Sciences (continued)  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… 8  Utilize quality improvement  principles and tools to improve  performance at all levels and in all  parts of the agency  19  Analyze information and data from  all parts of the organization to  assess overall organizational  health, support daily operations,  and make decisions about actions  and priorities for improvement  1  Average total  2.33   All are these very important to work in the health field and I do not know  Comments:  about 7-9.5  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment Management – Program, Financial, Personnel, Risk  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… A) Program Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation 1  Develop a strategic plan that  identifies goals, objectives and  performance measures, and has a  process to monitor and evaluate  achievements  12  Determine budget priorities and  assure the budget is aligned with  the agency strategic plan  13  Manage information systems for  collection, retrieval, and use of  data for decision-making  34  Use program evaluation and cost efficiency, cost-effectiveness, cost benefit, and cost-utility analyses to  monitor and evaluate effectiveness  of results and adjust as indicated  1B) Financial and Contract Management 1  Describe fiscal accountability  within the context of public health  funding and agency performance  32  Manage budget processes,  including budget development,  monitoring and reporting  13  Negotiate and develop contracts  and other documents for the  provision of population-based  services  3  Continued on next page  6  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment Management – Program, Financial, Personnel, Risk (continued)  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… B) Financial and Contract Management (continued) 4  Prepare proposals for funding from  external services  15  Allocate and monitor expenditures  to ensure cost-efficient support of  programs and policies  16  Identify, interpret and apply federal  and state regulations and local  policies that impact grants,  contracts, and development of  fees and sliding fee schedules  3C) Personnel Management 1  Describe how the skills and  actions of various professions and  a diverse workforce contribute to  performance of public health  mission  12  Apply basic human relations skills  to the management of  organizations, motivation of  personnel and resolution of  conflicts  33  Establish and reinforce an  environment that encourages  employee initiative, decision making and innovation  1  Continued on next page  7  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment  Management – Program, Financial, Personnel, Risk (continued)  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… C) Personnel Management (continued) 4  Implement appropriate  administrative tools, processes,  and local policies for recruiting,  hiring, evaluating, and terminating  staff  15  Establish and maintain protocols  to address public health needs  during an emergency, including  24/7 availability of specific staff  and specialists, public health  surge capacity, and use of  volunteers  36  Promote continuous professional  development for staff  17  Promote an organizational  environment that facilitates team  building, team problem-solving  and constructive conflict resolution  3  Average total  2.00  I am not sure much about personal management. But, I am interested that  Comments:  Promote an organizational environment that facilitates team building, team  problem-solving. 8  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment  Politics and Public Health Law  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… A) Policy Development and Implementation 1  Analyze, evaluate and  communicate public health policy  choices  12  Incorporate assessment and  evaluation findings into public  health planning and policy  decisions  13  Translate policy into organization  plans, structures and programs  34  Evaluate/review the public health  laws, local ordinances, and plans  of the jurisdiction on a regular  schedule, to assure that they are  current and up-to-date in all areas,  including public health emergency  response  1  Average total  2.00  Comments:   I do not know much about public health law and from this survey I am  wondering to learn more about policy development and implementation. 9  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment Community  1=None Unaware, or have very little knowledge of the item  2=Aware Heard of it; limited knowledge and/or ability to apply the skill  3=Knowledgeable (Know) Comfortable with knowledge or ability to apply the skill  4=Proficient (Prof) Very comfortable, an expert; could teach this to others  To what degree are you able to effectively… 1  Identify and engage potential  strategic partners  32  Use political, coalition-building,  advocacy and communication  skills to engage the community  and build partnerships and  capacity for achieving public  health goals  13  Use community mobilization  methods and tools appropriate for  the local community  34  Develop and maintain written  agreements with governmental  bodies, schools, hospitals and  others to secure resources, ensure  coordination and clarify  relationships and responsibilities  related to public health issues and  activities  35  Develop and implement  communication strategies to  assure effective and continuous  links between targeted partners  and stakeholders, including  emergency preparedness and  response  3  Average total  2.80  Comments:  10  The North Carolina Public Health Academy-PH Leadership and Management Self Assessment  Your results  The average total from each key dimension appears in the corresponding row below.  Key dimension  Average total Visionary Leadership & Systems Thinking  2.57Basic Public Health Sciences  2.33 Management – Program, Financial, Personnel,  Risk  2.00 Politics and Public Health Law  2.00 Community  2.80   Interpreting your results  Based on the averages you have for each key dimension in the “Your results” section  above, you are now ready to identify the strengths in your practice and the areas that you  would like to improve or strengthen.  For example, if you have scored a “1” in any dimension, you will want to consider focusing  your time and energy towards achieving the competency indicators in that dimension,  , followed by dimensions in which you score a “2”, with a lower priority given to dimensions in  which you scored a “3” or higher.  Once you have identified your priorities, you can use this information to guide you in  developing a learning plan with one or more personal professional goals for the next year,  in guiding a discussion with your supervisor, mentor or coach and in choosing learning  opportunities that will help you reach your goals and meet the requirements for continuing  competence in your occupation or discipline.   personal test results Image transcription Jung Marriage TestTMESFJ Use Jung Typology Test Extravert(9%) Sensing(9%) Feeling(31%) Judging(3%) result as: . You have slightpreference of Extraversion over Introversion (9%) Partner A > Partner B > . You have slight p… Show more    Health ScienceScienceNursingHS 401Share Question

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