Question KINDLY HELP ME OUT! . There is not a weed in sight in the

Question KINDLY HELP ME OUT! . There is not a weed in sight in the gardens surrounding his ground floor unit. He also has a glass house with rare plants. Hermann Joseph Muller introduced the idea that mutations build up in asexual reproducing organisms. Muller described this occurrence by comparing the mutations that accumulate as a ratchet. Each mutation that arises in asexually reproducing organisms turns the ratchet once. The ratchet is unable to be rotated backwards, only forwards. The next mutation that occurs turns the ratchet once more. Additional mutations in a population continually turn the ratchet and the mutations, mostly deleterious, continually accumulate without recombination.[38] These mutations are passed onto the next generation because the offspring are exact genetic clones of their parents. The genetic load of organisms and their populations will increase due to the addition of multiple deleterious mutations and decrease the overall reproductive success and fitness.For sexually reproducing populations, studies have shown that single-celled bottlenecks are beneficial for resisting mutation build-up. Passaging a population through a single-celled bottleneck involves the fertilization event occurring with haploid sets of DNA, forming one fertilized cell. For example, humans undergo a single-celled bottleneck in that the haploid sperm fertilizes the haploid egg, forming the diploid zygote, which is unicellular. This passage through a single cell is beneficial in that it lowers the chance of mutations from being passed on through multiple individuals. Instead, the mutation is only passed onto one individual.[39] Further studies using Dictyostelium discoideum suggest that this unicellular initial stage is important for resisting mutations due to the importance of high relatedness. Highly related individuals are more closely related, and more clonal, whereas less related individuals are less so, increasing the likelihood that an individual in a population of low relatedness may have a detrimental mutation. Highly related populations also tend to thrive better than lowly related because the cost of sacrificing an individual is greatly offset by the benefit gained by its relatives and in turn, its genes, according to kin selection. The studies with D. discoideum showed that conditions of high relatedness resisted mutant individuals more effectively than those of low relatedness, suggesting the importance of high relatedness to resist mutations from proliferating.[40]requires synergistic epistasis, which is represented by the red line[41][42] – each subsequent mutation has a disproportionately large effect on the organism’s fitness.This hypothesis was proposed by Alexey Kondrashov, and is sometimes known as the deterministic mutation hypothesis.[37] It assumes that the majority of deleterious mutations are only slightly deleterious, and affect the individual such that the introduction of each additional mutation has an increasingly large effect on the fitness of the organism. This relationship between number of mutations and fitness is known as synergistic epistasis.By way of analogy, think of a car with several minor faults. Each is not sufficient alone to prevent the car from running, but in combination, the faults combine to prevent the car from functioning.Similarly, an organism may be able to cope with a few defects, but the presence of many mutations could overwhelm its backup mechanisms.Kondrashov argues that the slightly deleterious nature of mutations means that the population will tend to be composed of individuals with a small number of mutations. Sex will act to recombine these genotypes, creating some individuals with fewer deleterious mutations, and some with more. Because there is a major selective disadvantage to individuals with more mutations, these individuals die out. In essence, sex compartmentalises the deleterious mutations.There has been much criticism of Kondrashov’s theory, since it relies on two key restrictive conditions. The first requires that the rate of deleterious mutation should exceed one per genome per generation in order to provide a substantial advantage for sex. While there is some empirical evidence for it (for example in Drosophila[43] and E. coli[44]), there is also strong evidence against it. Thus, for instance, for the sexual species Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) and Neurospora crassa (fungus), the mutation rate per genome per replication are 0.0027 and 0.0030 respectively. For the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the mutation rate per effective genome per sexual generation is 0.036.[45] Secondly, there should be strong interactions among loci (synergistic epistasis), a mutation-fitness relation for which there is only limited evidence.[46] Conversely, there is also the same amount of evidence that mutations show no epistasis (purely additive model) or antagonistic interactions (each additional mutation has a disproportionally small effect).He has a wacky sense of humour, an interest in computers and is an avid Swans supporter.Jim loves spending time on his computer and the internet and plays on-line games since his initial involvement as a teenager with Sim City. Jim has moved into his own unit, previously he lived with his parents. His parents want to see Jim settled in his own place and getting his life established. When he was living with his parents, following a traumatic time in his first workplace, Jim experienced a long period of being severely withdrawn, rarely leaving his room. Jim only became enthusiastic about the idea of a place of his own with the idea of having his own greenhouse. Since moving out of the family home, Jim has started going out again and doing more things. Along with family support, Jim has had staff scheduled 2 hours, 3 times a week to help support him with meal choices and preparation, shopping, and cleaning his unit. Jim has lunch with his family each day most weekends. The plan is to increase Jim’s participation in the community and Jim has stated his hope is to get a job again. Though Jim has a formal diagnosis of ASD with a moderate intellectual disability, his parents tucked away the specialist reports in their office filing cabinet and preferred to focus on Jim’s capacities and minimize his disabilities. Jim has been encouraged and supported by his family members to achieve his best. They say Jim always had been passionate with gardening and computers. His botanist grandpa had Jim with him in his garden and large greenhouse from when he was a tiny tot patiently sharing with Jim his knowledge of rare plants and how to maintain a garden. Jim’s uncle, a computer whizz likewise fostered Jim’s knowledge about computers also from when he was young. Jim initially did well after leaving school, the family opting for the Transition to Work Program, though Jim was deemed eligible for a Community Participation Program. His parents knew if Jim could have the right support, he would likely obtain a paid job. Jim with his plant knowledge and gardening skills, was snapped up early to work part time in setting up unique gardens around display homes. Jim was teamed to work with an older landscape gardener. Jim experienced sustained and unreported bullying by this work colleague. Jim’s work colleague was always angry, not liking Jim’s knowledge, swearing at Jim and throwing things.  Jim did not tell anyone and became more anxious and withdrawn keeping to his room. His parents noted Jim was also not sleeping. Jim started having frequent angry outbursts, swearing and throwing things around his room. Jim eventually refused to go to work and the landscaping business quickly replaced him. Jim’s parents tried to find out what was wrong but Jim refused to speak about it. Jim eventually confided in his uncle what had been going on at his work, by this time Jim had lost confidence about what he knew about plants, gardening and his dream of a job with plants. Jim received support from his family and his general practitioner. A psychologist has supported Jim to deal with his symptoms of anxiety, working on strategies around the angry outbursts and helping Jim to understand that what had happened was not his fault. Through an appeal process, Jim’s Transition to Work Program funding was adjusted to an individual Community Participation package. Aside from his family, Jim doesn’t have many visitors and needs a lot of encouragement these days to initiate contact with old friends and settle into his new neighbourhood. Jim has slowly regained his interest in plants and gardening and agreed to try out volunteering at a local community garden a few hours a week. He goes there alone and family friends who attend report back to his parents that Jim still gets easily frustrated with himself if things don’t go smoothly. He has angry outbursts, swears and throws whatever is within reach. This can be garden pots and trowels etc. which is causing a commotion at the garden with some of the other volunteers.  Fascinated with his knowledge of plants some who know him and his family joke about it being Jim’s short fuse, while others give Jim a lot of space, scared to be too close to him. Jim also loves AFL and barracks for the Swans. He used to love to go to their games with his grandpa who had box seats. Now his grandpa has passed away, Jim refuses to go a match as he finds the stands too noisy and crowded. Lately Paul, one of his old school friends, who used to love to be invited to the games with Jim and Pa, has been dropping over once or twice a month to watch the footy on TV. Jim is really enjoying this time together with Paul and Jim seems much happier on the weeks that Paul comes around. Jim and Paul talk about old times, the footy and Paul brings some beers which they share. Everyone is happy that Paul is coming around and resuming his friendship and involvement in Jim’s life.Due to Jim’s medication (for anxiety and mood swings) the doctor says Jim can have only 2 full strength beers. Jim began to supply some beers for him and Paul to consume while watching the match. Support staff told Jim’s care coordinator about the number of empty beer bottles in the recycling. The care coordinator contacted Jim’s family. A support staff member timed her arrival for the middle of a match and found Paul and Jim drinking. She lectured both Paul and Jim causing Paul to leave and Jim to get very angry and started swearing and throwing things. Jim’s mum has said she would prefer that Jim not drink at all, while Jim’s dad thinks a few beers once in a while is absolutely fine. When staff and Jim’s mum found out Jim has had more beer than he is ‘allowed’ there were more angry outbursts and arguments. After the last visit, Paul said if he is just going to get Jim into trouble, maybe he should stop coming. Since then Jim’s anxiety has begun to become more heightened and Jim is worried Paul may not come back but he doesn’t feel he can ring Paul to find out. Since all of his previous workers have refused to work with Jim anymore, the family think it’s time to trial self-managing Jim’s individualised NDIS package. You and your fellow team members responded to the ad placed online and in the local paper, were interviewed by Jim and his family and you have successfully become the team of community facilitators for him. The coordinator of the service which holds the grant funding has delegated that, since you are Jim’s team and with Jim and his family deciding on a fresh approach, you can undertake Jim’s person-centred planning from the start. The coordinator has given you free reign to choose the person-centred tools you will use to gather the information from initial and subsequent meetings while you are getting to know Jim and his family, and working out together the strategies to get Jim’s life on track.  You will need to include into your worksheet, responses for:?17.            Where is there potential to make existing relationships stronger?8.            What would be some great ‘mainstream’ things 9.            What are some socially valued roles we could anticipate for?10.          How would you maintain?  Health Science Science Nursing Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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