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NURS 6531 Final Exam / NURS6531 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University
Walden NURS 6531 Final Exam / Walden NURS6531 Final Exam (Latest)
· Question 1
When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?
· Question 2
Central obesity, “moon” face, and dorsocervical fat pad are associated with:
Metabolic syndrome
Unilateral pheochromocytoma
Cushing’s syndrome
None of the above
· Question 3
An elderly man is started on lisinopril and hydrochlorhiazide for hypertension. Three days later, he returns to the office complaining of left great toe pain. On exam, the nurse practitioner notes an edematous, erythematous tender left great toe. The likely precipitant of this patient’s pain is:
Tight shoes
Arthritis flare
· Question 4
The most effective treatment of non-infectious bursitis includes:
· Question 5
What conditions must be met for you to bill “incident to” the physician, receiving 100% reimbursement from Medicare?
You must initiate the plan of care for the patient
The physician must be on-site and engaged in patient care
You must be employed as an independent contractor
You must be the main health care provider who sees the patient
· Question 6
Which of the following is not a risk factor associated with the development of syndrome X and type 2 diabetes mellitus?
· Question 7
Which of the following is not a common early sign of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
A. Nocturia
B. Urgency incontinence
C. Strong urinary stream flow
D. Straining to void
· Question 8
Steve, age 69, has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When teaching him how to reduce his lower esophageal sphincter pressure, which substances do you recommend that he avoid?
§ Food that is very hot or very cold
§ Fatty or fried foods
§ Peppermint or spearmint, including flavoring
§ Coffee, tea, and soft drinks that contain caffeine
§ Spicy, highly seasoned foods
§ Fried foodDT caffeine, chocolate and anticholinergics
· Question 9
Which drug category contains the drugs that are the first line Gold standard therapy for COPD?
· Question 10
The most commonly recommended pharmacological treatment regimen for low back pain (LBP) is:
· Question 11
Which of the following is not appropriate suppression therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis?
· Question 12
A patient presents with dehydration, hypotension, and fever. Laboratory testing reveals hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and hypoglycemia. These imbalances are corrected, but the patient returns 6 weeks later with the same symptoms of hyperpigmentation, weakness, anorexia, fatigue, and weight loss. What action(s) should the nurse practitioner take?
.A Obtain a thorough history and physical, and check serum cortisol and ACTH levels.
B. Perform a diet history and check CBC and FBS.
C. Provide nutritional guidance and have the patient return in one month.
D. Consult home health for intravenous administration
· Question 13
The nurse practitioner diagnoses epididymitis in a 24 year old sexually active male patient. The drug of choice for treatment of this patient is:
· Question 14
How do you respond when Jessica, age 42, asks you what constitutes a good minimum cardiovascular workout?
· Question 15
The intervention known to be most effective in the treatment of severe depression, with or without psychosis, is:
· Question 16
You are assessing a patient after a sports injury to his right knee. You elicit a positive anterior/posterior drawer sign. This test indicates an injury to the: he
A. lateral meniscus
B. cruciate ligament
C. medial meniscus
D. collateral ligament.
· Question 17
A 32 year old female patient presents with fever, chills, right flank pain, right costovertebral angle tenderness, and hematuria. Her urinalysis is positive for leukocytes and red blood cells. The nurse practitioner diagnoses pyelonephritis. The most appropriate management is:
· Question 18
A 21-year-old female presents to the office complaining of urinary frequency and urinary burning. The nurse practitioner suspects a urinary tract infection when the urinalysis reveals
· Question 19
A middle-aged man presents to urgent care complaining of pain of the medial condyle of the lower humerus. The man works as a carpenter and describes a gradual onset of pain. On exam, the medial epicondyle is tender and pain is increased with flexion and pronation. Range of motion is full The most likely cause of this patient’s pain is:
· Question 20
The initial clinical sign of Dupuytren’s contracture is:
· Question 21
The best test to determine microalbuminuria to assist in the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy
· Question 22
What is the first symptom seen in the majority of patients with Parkinson’s disease?
· Question 23
The most commonly recommended method for prostate cancer screening in a 55 year old male is:
· Question 24
Martin, age 24, presents with an erythematous ear canal, pain, and a recent history of swimming. What do you suspect?
· Question 25
Which of the following symptoms suggests a more serious cause of back pain?
· Question 26
Josh, age 22, is a stock boy and has an acute episode of low back pain. You order and NSAID and tell him which of the following?
· Question 27
A 72 year old female patient reports a 6 month history of gradually progressive swollen and painful distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints of one hand. She has no systemic symptoms but the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), antinuclear antibody (ANA), and rheumatoid factor (RF) are all minimally elevated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
· Question 28
A patient taking levothyroxine is being over-replaced. What condition is he at risk for?
· Question 29
Which of the following is the most common cause of low back pain?
Lumbar disc disease
Spinal stenosis
Traumatic fracture
· Question 30
Which is the most common cause of end-stage renal disease in the United States?
· Question 31
A 77-year-old female presents to the office complaining a sudden swelling on her right elbow. She denies fever, chills, trauma, or pain. The physical exam reveals a non-tender area of swelling over the extensor surface over the right elbow with evidence of trauma or irritation. The nurse practitioner suspects:
Ulnar neuritis
Septic arthritis
Olecranon bursitis
· Question 32
A 60 year old female patient complains of sudden onset unilateral, stabbing, surface pain in the lower part of her face lasting a few minutes, subsiding, and then returning. The pain is triggered by touch or temperature extremes. Physical examination is normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
· Question 33
Beth, age 49, comes in with low back pain. An x-ray of the lumbosacral spine is within normal limits. Which of the following diagnoses do you explore further?
· Question 34
A patient exhibits extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotic medications. Which of the following symptoms would lead you to look for another diagnosis?
· Question 35
Phalen’s test, 90°wrist flexion for 60 seconds, reproduces symptoms of:
· Question 36
Jennifer says that she has heard that caffeine can cause osteoporosis and asks you why. How do you respond?
· Question 37
The most common cause of elevated liver function tests is:
· Question 38
Reed-Sternberg B lymphocytes are associated with which of the following disorders:
Aplastic anemia
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Myelodysplastic syndromes
· Question 39
Which of the following is a potential acquired cause of thrombophilia?
Protein C deficiency
Factor V Leiden
Antiphospholipid antibodies
· Question 41
A 75-year-old female is diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism and asks the nurse practitioner what the treatment for this disorder is. The nurse practitioner explains:
Primary hyperparathyroidism is treated with Vitamin D restriction
Primary hyperparathyroidism is treated with parathyroidectomy
Primary hyperparathyroidism is treated with daily magnesium
Primary hyperparathyroidism is treated with parenteral parathyroid hormone (PTH)
· Question 42
Diagnostic confirmation of acute leukemia is based on:
· Question 43
A 25 year old overweight patient presents with a complaint of dull achiness in his groin and history of a palpable lump in his scrotum that “comes and goes”. On physical examination, the nurse practitioner does not detect a scrotal mass. There is no tenderness, edema, or erythema of the scrotum, the scrotum does not transilluminate. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Testicular torsion
B. Epididymitis
C. Inguinal hernia
D. Varicocele
· Question 44
Dave, age 38, states that he thinks he has an ear infection because he just flew back from a business trip and feels unusual pressure in his ear. You diagnose barotrauma. What is your next action?
A. Prescribe nasal steroids and oral decongestants
B. Prescribe antibiotic eardrops
C. Prescribe systemic eardrops
D. Refer David to an ear, nose, and throat specialist
· Question 45
Which of the following antibiotics should not be prescribed for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester?
· Question 46
The physiological explanation of syncope is:
· Question 47
A 20 year old male patient complains of “scrotal swelling.” He states his scrotum feels heavy, but denies pain. On examination, the nurse practitioner notes transillumination of the scrotum. What is the most likely diagnosis?
· Question 48
A 32 year old male patient complains of urinary frequency and burning on urination for 3 days. Urinalysis reveals bacteriuria. He denies any past history of urinary tract infection. The initial treatment should be: nclude nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), or fosfomycin.
· Question 49
Diagnostic radiological studies are indicated for low back pain:
· Question 50
Who is at a higher risk for developing nephrolithiasis?
· Question 51
An 81-year-old female is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. When considering drug therapy for this patient, the nurse practitioner is most concerned with which of the following side effects?
Weight gain
Fracture risk
Weight loss
· Question 52
A 28-year-old female presents to the office requesting testing for diagnosis of hereditary thrombophilia. Her father recently had a deep vein thrombosis and she is concerned about her risk factors. The nurse practitioner explains that:
· Question 53
The diagnosis of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in males is usually made by:
· Question 54
Which history is commonly found in a patient with glomerulonephritis?
· Question 55
A patient complains of generalized joint pain and stiffness associated with activity and relieved with rest. This patient history is consistent with which of the following disorders?
· Question 56
The most common presentation of thyroid cancer is:
· Question 57
The obligatory criteria for diagnosis of muscular dystrophy (MD) are:
· Question 58
The diagnosis which must be considered in a patient who presents with a severe headache of sudden onset, with neck stiffness and fever, is:
· Question 59
A 60 year old male patient with multiple health problems presents with a complaint of erectile dysfunction (ED). Of the following, which medication is most likely to be causing the problem?
· Question 60
A 72 year old patient exhibits sudden onset of fluctuating restlessness, agitation, confusion, and impaired attention. This is accompanied by visual hallucinations and sleep disturbance. What is the most likely cause of this behavior?
A. Dementia
C. Parkinson’s disease
D. Depression
· Question 61
Which of the following set of symptoms should raise suspicion of a brain tumor?
· Question 62
The cornerstone of treatment for stress fracture of the femur or metatarsal stress fracture is:
· Question 63
Sally, a computer programmer, has just been given a new diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Your next step is to:
· Question 64
Marsha presents with symptoms resembling both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, which have many similarities. Which of the following is more characteristic of fibromyalgia?
A. Musculosckeletal pain
B. Difficulty sleeping
C. Depression
D. Fatigue
· Question 65
The cardinal sign of infectious arthritis is:
· Question 66
Diagnostic evaluation for urinary calculi includes:
· Question 67
Martin, a 58 year old male with diabetes, is at your office for his diabetes follow up. On examining his feet with monofilament, you discover that he has developed decreased sensation in both feet. There are no open areas or signs of infection on his feet. What health teaching should Martin receive today regarding the care if his feet?
See a podiatrist yearly; wash your feet daily with
warm, soapy water and towel dry between the
toes; inspect your feet daily for any lesions; and
apply lotion to any dry areas.
· Question 68
Potential causes of septic arthritis include which of the following?
· Question 69
Which of the following is the best response to a woman who has just admitted she is a victim of spousal abuse?
· Question 70
A 15 year-old female patient is 5 feet tall and weighs 85 pounds. You suspect anorexia and know that the best initial approach is to:
Having the client in view of staff for 90 minutes after each meal
· Question 71
A 63-year-old man presents to the office with hematuria, hesitancy, and dribbling. Digital rectal exam (DRE) reveals a moderately enlarged prostate that is smooth. The PSA is 1.2. What is the most appropriate management strategy for you to follow at this time?
A. Prescribe an alpha adrenergic blocker.
B. Recommend saw palmetto.
C. Prescribe an antibiotic
D. Refer the client to urology.
· Question 72
A patient has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Which of the following medications may be used to treat generalized anxiety disorder?
· Question 73
A positive drawer sign supports a diagnosis of:
· Question 74
Sam, age 67, is a diabetic with worsening renal function. He has frequent hypoglycemic episodes, which he believes means that his diabetes is getting “better.” How do you respond?
· Question 75
A 14 year old female cheerleader reports gradual and progressive dull anterior knee pain, exacerbated by kneeling. The nurse practitioner notes swelling and point tenderness at the tibial tuberosity. X-ray is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?
· Question 76
A 35 year old male presents with a complaint of low pelvic pain, dysuria, hesitancy, urgency, and reduced force of stream. The nurse practitioner suspects acute bacterial prostatitis. Which of the following specimens would be least helpful for diagnosis?
· Question 77
Jack, age 55, comes to the office with a blood pressure of 144/98 mm Hg. He states that he did not know if it was ever elevated before. When you retake his blood pressure at the end of the exam, it remains at 144/98. What should your next action be?
· Question 78
A patient has just been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. He is understandably upset and has questions about the prognosis. You response should be:
· Question 79
Martin is complaining of erectile dysfunction. He also has a condition that has reduced arterial blood flow to his penis. The most common cause of this condition is:
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