nur2058 full course latest 2018 april

Week 1 discussion

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Why Nursing Standards
of Practice

After reviewing the Nursing Standards of Practice, describe
three reasons why these are important to nursing practice, safety, and
achieving good client outcomes.

Week 3 discussion

Agencies and Who They

For this discussion, review the various healthcare settings
in your reading (such as hospital, community health center, etc.) and select
one. Once selected, research the internet to identify a facility that
represents your selected healthcare delivery setting. Review their website and

Location and size

Mission and values

Accreditation and awards

How long they have been serving their target population

Whether they are part of a system or a single institution

Are they for profit or not-for profit

The target populations they serve

The clinical and client services they provide

The type of staff who work in the setting

Contributions to the community

In a two to three paragraph discussion post, identify key
aspects of the selected healthcare setting, how their mission and values
compare with the services they provide and their target populations, the type
of staff who work there, any special or unique aspects of the healthcare
setting, and your impression of the healthcare setting after reviewing their
website. You don’t need to identify the name of the healthcare setting just the

Week 4 discussion

Comparing and
Contrasting Theories

For this discussion, in three to four paragraphs, contrast
two nursing models and theories found in your reading. Discuss how they are
similar or different in the way the define/discuss health and wellness,
illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the
one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and then describe how this
would affect the way in which you would practice nursing.

Week 5 discussion

Ethical Nursing

For this discussion you will be examining ethical nursing
practice. In three to five paragraphs answer the following questions.

Define in your own words “ethical nursing

Describe the basis or framework you used for your

Explain the difference between legal and ethical nursing

Discuss one ethical or bioethical dilemma a nurse may
encounter and describe how it could be handled.

Week 6 discussion

Developing Clinical

One of the most important skills a nurse needs is clinical
judgment. This is a skill that can be learned. Reflect on your own ability to
critically think and the reading for this module.

When see yourself as a nurse and giving care, discuss what
qualities and behaviors you possess that make you a person that would have good
clinical judgment. What three strategies can you use to develop better clinical
judgment? As a nurse, what areas of the nursing process do you think might be
more challenging to you given the critical thinking and clinical judgment
skills you have now?

Week 8 discussion


For this discussion, describe how you typically communicate

Do you have particular or unique patterns of nonverbal

What have others said to you about your non-verbal

How do you think your non-verbal communication impacts your
effectiveness as a communicator?In what ways do you think your non-verbal
communication patterns will influence your ability to provide client-centered

Week 9 discussion

Culture of Safety

In this discussion, emphasis is on awareness of client
quality and safety and in particular what is a “culture of safety.”

Based on the review of the following websites at the
Institute of Healthcare Improvement and Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality answer the following questions.

What values ensure a culture of safety?

How can healthcare facilities establish a culture of safety?

What is the nurse’s role in maintaining a culture of safety?

Module 01
Written Assignment – Legacy of Nursing’s History

Select a nurse that historically contributed to the
advancement of the profession. Write a 2-3 page paper that responds to the
following questions. Identify the nurse and his/her background and complete the

Provide a brief description of the major social issues
occurring at the time this nurse lived

Describe two contributions made to nursing

Discuss how these two unique contributions influenced
nursing as we know it today

Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing.
APA formatting with referencing and in text citation.

You may use your textbook, readings and the following for background

ANA Hall of Fame

American Association for the History of Nursing

Museum of Nursing History – Slide Show Gallery

Strout, K. (2012). Wellness promotion and the Institute of
Medicine’s future of nursing report: Are nurses ready? Holistic Nursing
Practice 26(3), 129-136.

This assignments must have accurate spelling and grammar and
use APA Editorial Format for sources and reference.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Module 02
Project Assignment – Getting Started

Part 1 – Getting Started

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care
Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to
maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program.
Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a
professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and
reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will
increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you
a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work
with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in
the same way.

Use the Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel to assess your
current state. After you determine your scores, in a 2-3 page paper complete
the following:

Discuss those areas that are strengths (higher scores) and
those areas that need further development (lower scores).

Identify two strategies you can use to maintain or maximize
each identified strength.

Identify two strategies you can use to strengthen each area
needing development. Explain how you will put these strategies into action. Be specific.
For example, instead of stating, “I need to exercise,” your action
should state “I will begin to walk 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week.”
The action should be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,

Also attach your completed form

Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing.
APA formattingSubmit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Quality of Life Self Care Wheel – Assessment











Instructions: Review each Dimension. Think about how each
one relates to you. Then select a number from 10 High to 1 Low which best
reflects your level of realizing the Dimension.


Quality of Life
Scale – Please Circle

10 = High to 1 = Low












Rest/ Recreation



































































What Does
Your Score Mean:

10-9:Fantastic Balance/Wellness

8-7:Good Job


Doing Okay

5 and Below:Needs Adjustment

Quality of Life Self Care Wheel

Source: Napoli, M., & Roe, S. (2011). Life by personal
design: Limitless horizons. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Dimensions – Some Examples

Health: Healthful eating, exercising, maintaining an
appropriate weight, regular physical exams, and using effective stress
reduction strategies.

Rest/Recreation: Adequate sleep and rest periods,
interspersing work with play, pursuing hobbies, realizing happiness, and having

Personal Development/Relationships: Fulfilling and rewarding
relationships with others in your life, needed emotional support systems,
developing personal goals such as improving listening, and having meaning and
purpose through a desired spiritual life.

Finances: Sufficient resources to support self and those
responsible for, aligning needed resources with daily requirements, and
adequate discretionary income to purchase wanted items.

Environment: Awareness and being respectful of the
environment in which you live in and those around you, having sensitivity to
the impact you have on the environment, being chemical/pollutant free,
recycling, and using natural products.

Career/School: Regularly improving your knowledge and skill
base, setting professional goals and achieving them, having a satisfying and
meaningful profession/occupation, being content with your work life, and
pursuing work life balance.

Passion: Understanding, defining, and living your life based
on your inner feelings, desires, and dreams.

Module 04
Written Assignment – Developing a Philosophy of Nursing

In one page, describe your philosophy of nursing.

The definition of a philosophy is having a personal and
specific outlook and approach you can use to make decisions and take action.
Your philosophy of nursing should include your beliefs and attitudes about
nursing, being a nurse, your approach to caring for others. It can also include
your attitudes about working in healthcare facilities, working as part of a
team, or even how you feel about people in general.

Save a copy of your philosophy as you will want to refer to
it during your Program.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates

Module 05
Project Assignment – How Am I Doing?

Part 2: How Am I Doing?

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care
Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to
maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program.
Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a
professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and
reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will
increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you
a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work
with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in
the same way.

Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following:

Re-look at your Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel scores. Have
they changed? If so, in what ways.

Think about your current levels of tension and stress. On a
scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level, what is your score? Now think
about the strategies you identified. Describe how well you have put them into
action. If you have not been able to implement them, identify why and what you
can do to overcome this.

Identify any new strategies that you think will
“fit” better and describe why.

Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing.
APA formatting

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Module 07
Written Assignment – Researching for Evidence

For this written assignment, select one recent (within the
last two years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal
that describes a “best practice” in an area of nursing you are
interested in. For example, if you would like to be a pediatric nurse, select
an article that discusses a best practice in pediatric care.

Cite the article and provide a brief overview of how the
results or findings were obtained. Then describe the “best practice.”
Conclude your discussion by explaining whether you thought the research
findings supported the conclusions and the best practice.

This assignment must be no more than 3 pages long. It should
include all of the required elements. Use APA Editorial format and attach a
copy of the article.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates

Module 08
Written Assignment – The Case of Mrs. G.: Client Centered Communication and

In this written assignment, you have the opportunity to
share your thoughts about how to deliver client-centered culturally competent
care and work collaboratively with others.

The Case of Mrs. G.

Mrs. G. is a 75 year old Hispanic woman who has been
relatively well all of her life. She had been married for 50 years and had five
children. Her children are grown with families of their own. All but one of her
children live in other states. Mrs. G.’s husband passed away last year, which
was devastating for her. She had been very close to him and relied upon him for
everything. He was “the life of the party” she always said and was a
loving and caring man. Since his passing, Mrs. G. has continued to live in the
house they shared for 35 years. In the last month, Mrs. G. has fallen twice
sustaining injuries, though minimal. Her home health nurse comes weekly to
check in on her. Mrs. G. likes her very much and wishes she could come more
often. Mrs. G.’s daughter who lives in the next town over, has been worried and
decided with the urging of her siblings and the doctor to start looking for an
assisted living facility for her mother. She found one last week and talked
with the Director who said she would be happy to help in whatever way was best.
The daughter decided to tell her mother that it was time for her to move, so
she can be cared for and be safe. When she told her mother, Mrs. G. cried and
said, “This will not happen ever. I plan to stay in this house of loving
memories for the remainder of my life.”

In 3 – 4 pages answer the following questions:

How would you best describe Mrs. G.’s feelings about her
life, her family, her traditions, and her future?

Did Mrs. G.’s response to her daughter surprise you? Please
explain your answer.

In what way do you believe her culture might be influencing
her decision?

If you were Mrs. G.’s daughter what would you say to her
that shows you are caring and have compassion for her situation? What nonverbal
communication would support that level of communication?

Suppose Mrs. G. stands firm about not leaving her house.
What resources and collaborations might be available and helpful so the
daughter and other healthcare providers can keep her mother safe and make the
most effective decision?

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates

Module 09
Written Assignment – Technology Awareness Assessment

For this writing assignment, complete the Information
Technology Self-Assessment Tool. When completed review and determine at least
three new goals you would like to achieve. Submit your completed form with a
brief description of your experience and comfort level with the use of
technology not only in your Program but as a practicing nurse.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Module 10
Written Assignment – Contemporary Issues and Trends

In this written assignment, identify one specific
contemporary issue or trend that you are interested in learning more about.
Choose from the categories below. For example you might want to learn more
about why it is more difficult for some groups to receive care than others,
which would fall under Client Access to Care. Or, you might want to compare
nursing practice in the U.S. with how nurses practice in Japan, which would
fall under the category of Global Healthcare and Nursing.

Global Healthcare and Nursing

Healthcare Reform

U.S. Healthcare Financing

Nursing’s Role in the U.S. Healthcare System

Integrative Healthcare

Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing Education

Nursing Practice

Nursing Professionalism

Advancing Nursing as a Profession

Client Access to Care

Delivering Client Care

Interdisciplinary Teamwork and Collaboration

Ethical Practices in Healthcare

Quality and Safety in Healthcare Delivery

Health/Nursing Informatics

Once the issue or trend is identified, find five
important/significant facts about it, substantiated by an evidence-based
article or reference. Include the article or references in your submission.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Module 11
Project Assignment – Next Steps

Part 3 – Next Steps

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care
Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain
wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this
will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and
reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will
increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you
a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work
with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in
the same way.

Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following (also attach the
completed form):

Note: When you are finished besides submitting your plan, be
sure to put the Plan where you can see it to remind you to continue to reflect
on how you are doing and to motivate you to use the self-care strategies.

Use the Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel Plan for Intention
and Action to make your intention (commitments) to take action throughout your
Program to stay balanced. Re-assess your scores and write them into this Plan.
Then make your intention and identify at least one action for each that you
know you can maintain throughout your Program and even as a practicing nurse.
Identify any new strategies that you think will “fit” better than
what you have been doing and describe why.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions
linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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