NR530 2021 August Complete Course Latest
NR530 Foundations of Population Health

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Week 1 Discussion
Population Health
Based upon the concepts learned during week one, respond to the following:
Explain population health and describe the unique characteristics of population-focused practice. How is population health similar to and different from public health or clinical healthcare practice?
Describe how the public health system, clinical healthcare system, and public policy efforts influence population health. Provide an example of this collective approach within your local community, and explain how the public health system, clinical healthcare system, and public policy efforts support population health.
How is the population health perspective evident in your current practice setting, or a previous practice setting? What would you recommend to improve population health outcomes in your current practice?
Threaded Discussion Instructional Video
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 2 Discussion
Collaboration Café
Foundational Concepts, Models, and Frameworks for Practice
Practicum Planning Checkpoint – included in the Collaboration Café assignment:
As you consider possible practice opportunities for your population health practicum, remember the wide array of contexts within which population health may be a focus. While the traditional public health system may first come to mind, population health efforts are also taking place in clinical healthcare delivery settings, from in-patient acute care to out-patient clinics, long-term care, and community health centers, among many others. As you ponder the options, consider the following:
Have you submitted your practicum application? If not, what is your target date for submission of the practicum application?
Where will you pursue practicum placement, and what attracts you to that particular agency, organization, or practice setting?
Describe the population health focus within the selected practice setting.
How will the foundational concepts and frameworks for population health practice apply in this setting? Include at least one specific example in your posting.
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 3 Discussion
Determinants of Health
Assess the physical and social determinants of health in your community and respond to the following:
Provide a succinct summary of your findings.
What are the population health risks, gaps, or disparities that are evident, and how might they impact health?
What are the implications for advanced nursing practice?
As you respond to peers, consider how your findings and similar and different. What variables might influence those similarities and differences?
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 4 Discussion
Collaboration Cafe
: Epidemiological principles
Select one of the core epidemiology functions discussed in the week four lesson (surveillance, field investigation, analytic studies, evaluation, linkages, or policy development) and respond to the following:
Describe a scenario (real or fictitious) involving the core function, and explain how that core function is apparent in the scenario.
How might the MSN-prepared nurse be involved in this process?
What are the implications for population health outcomes?
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 5 Discussion
Collaboration Cafe
Health Risk and Disparity
Reflect upon the learning in week five and respond to the following:
What health disparities are present in your local community, and which vulnerable populations are experiencing these health inequities?
What strategies are underway in your local community to address these issues? How might population health nurses contribute to initiatives to resolve or address the issues?
As you respond to peers, consider how your findings are similar and different. What variables might influence those similarities and differences?
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 6 Discussion
Population-focused Nursing Roles and Interventions
Identify one population health intervention in your community to investigate. Respond to the following:
Explain the population health intervention that was selected and the specific population health issues or concerns that are addressed through that intervention.
Describe the accessibility, levels of prevention, and social determinants of health which are addressed through the selected intervention.
Based upon your investigation, propose one recommendation to improve this intervention to optimize health outcomes.
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 7 Discussion
Competencies for Population Health Professionals
Complete the Self-assessment of Competencies assignment to appraise your current level of achievement of competencies for population health professionals and submit your self-appraisal. Consider your findings and respond to the following:
• Reflecting upon your self-assessment, in which domains do you find your individual strengths? Which ones do you feel you have the most opportunity for improvement?
• Identify one of the competency domains that is a strength and describe a practice situation where the MSN-prepared nurse will utilize this skillset to address a population health issue.
• How will competency in that domain equip the MSN-prepared nurse to effectively address the issue?
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 8 Discussion
Collaboration Cafe
Synthesis and Reflection of Learning
Reflect upon your learning and your achievement of the course outcomes:
CO #1 – Apply foundational concepts, models, and evidence-based approaches for population health management to promote health and wellness.
CO #2 – Investigate the impact of social, economic, cultural, and environmental variables on population health status, health risks, and disparities.
CO #3 – Analyze initiatives to support population health and related implications for advanced nursing practice.
Respond to the following:
For each outcome, how will the learning that you accomplished apply in your future MSN practice?
What are your goals for population-focused practice?
What steps have you taken to secure a practicum placement?
Share your plans for practicum, and explain how they will facilitate your goals.
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 2 Assignment
Population-focused Nursing Practice – Part 1 Concept Map
Population health efforts focus on promoting health and preventing disease, and consider the many factors that shape health where people live, work and play. Population-focused practice extends beyond the scope of the public health system to integrate efforts within the clinical healthcare system and public policy in order to advance the health of populations.
The purpose of this assignment is to consider the health risks and problems experienced by a selected population. The Social Ecological Model will be applied to describe the influencing factors that shape the health of this population. Finally, implications and recommendations for nursing practice within the clinical healthcare system, public health system, and public policy will be proposed to improve the health of the selected population.
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO #1 – Apply foundational concepts, models, and frameworks to promote health equity at the population level (PO #1, 2, 5)
CO #2 – Investigate the impact of social, economic, cultural, and environmental variables on population health risks and disparities (PO #1, 3)
CO #3 – Analyze population health-related competencies, interventions, and implications for advanced nursing practice (PO #1, 5)
Assignment Overview
Please note: Both the week 2 and week 6 assignments require you to identify a population as the subject for the assignment. It is expected that the selected population for the week 2 assignment will be different from the population you select for the week 6 assignment.
Identify one population served in your current nursing practice (or in a previous nursing role) as the subject for this assignment. Explore current scholarly sources to better understand the health-related risks and problems facing this group of people. Consider how the Social Ecological Model can be applied to understand factors influencing the health of this population, and implications for practice across the pillars of population health.
Once you have prepared for the assignment, construct each of the two required elements noted below:
Part 1: Concept Map
Create a concept may to portray the elements noted below and their interrelationships. The concept must be your own original work, must include your name and date, and must be submitted as either a pdf or word document.
Include the following elements in the concept map, and follow submission guidelines noted below:
Selected population
Health risks/problems experienced (minimum of 2)
Levels of the Social Ecological Model
Influencing factors that shape the health of the identified population (minimum of 1 factor for each level within the model)
Interrelationships between the elements noted above
Part 2: Paper
Develop a two- to four-page scholarly paper including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly paper that includes:
Selected Population
Application of Social Ecological Model
Implications for Nursing (Implications within the Pillars of Population Health)
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Part I: Concept Map – Create and submit a concept map as a pdf or word document.
Concept map may be either
Neatly drawn by hand and submitted as a pdf, or
Created using Microsoft word.
Concept map must be clear and legible.
Concept map must be the student’s original work.
Concept map must include the student’s name and date.
Part 2: Paper – Create the written paper using Microsoft Word.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
First person should not be used within this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.
Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:
Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 2 Assignment
Population-focused Nursing Practice – Part 2 Paper
Population health efforts focus on promoting health and preventing disease, and consider the many factors that shape health where people live, work and play. Population-focused practice extends beyond the scope of the public health system to integrate efforts within the clinical healthcare system and public policy in order to advance the health of populations.
The purpose of this assignment is to consider the health risks and problems experienced by a selected population. The Social Ecological Model will be applied to describe the influencing factors that shape the health of this population. Finally, implications and recommendations for nursing practice within the clinical healthcare system, public health system, and public policy will be proposed to improve the health of the selected population.
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO #1 – Apply foundational concepts, models, and frameworks to promote health equity at the population level (PO #1, 2, 5)
CO #2 – Investigate the impact of social, economic, cultural, and environmental variables on population health risks and disparities (PO #1, 3)
CO #3 – Analyze population health-related competencies, interventions, and implications for advanced nursing practice (PO #1, 5)
Assignment Overview
Please note: Both the week 2 and week 6 assignments require you to identify a population as the subject for the assignment. It is expected that the selected population for the week 2 assignment will be different from the population you select for the week 6 assignment.
Identify one population served in your current nursing practice (or in a previous nursing role) as the subject for this assignment. Explore current scholarly sources to better understand the health-related risks and problems facing this group of people. Consider how the Social Ecological Model can be applied to understand factors influencing the health of this population, and implications for practice across the pillars of population health.
Once you have prepared for the assignment, construct each of the two required elements noted below:
Part 1: Concept Map
Create a concept may to portray the elements noted below and their interrelationships. The concept must be your own original work, must include your name and date, and must be submitted as either a pdf or word document.
Include the following elements in the concept map, and follow submission guidelines noted below:
Selected population
Health risks/problems experienced (minimum of 2)
Levels of the Social Ecological Model
Influencing factors that shape the health of the identified population (minimum of 1 factor for each level within the model)
Interrelationships between the elements noted above
Part 2: Paper
Develop a two- to four-page scholarly paper including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly paper that includes:
Selected Population
Application of Social Ecological Model
Implications for Nursing (Implications within the Pillars of Population Health)
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Part I: Concept Map – Create and submit a concept map as a pdf or word document.
Concept map may be either
Neatly drawn by hand and submitted as a pdf, or
Created using Microsoft word.
Concept map must be clear and legible.
Concept map must be the student’s original work.
Concept map must include the student’s name and date.
Part 2: Paper – Create the written paper using Microsoft Word.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
First person should not be used within this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.
Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:
Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 4 Assignment
Epidemiological Applications
In population-focused practice, epidemiological principles can be applied to draw inferences about patterns and frequency of diseases and health conditions that contribute to morbidity and mortality within a specified group. These trends in disease provide insight to the overall health and well-being of a population.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze epidemiological and population health data for a selected population to determine prevalent causes of infectious and chronic disease. Population-focused strategies to address the identified issues will be examined at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention.
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO #1 – Apply foundational concepts, models, and frameworks to promote health equity at the population level (PO #1, 2, 5)
CO #2 – Investigate the impact of social, economic, cultural, and environmental variables on population health risks and disparities (PO #1, 3)
CO #3 – Analyze population health-related competencies, interventions, and implications for advanced nursing practice (PO #1, 5)
Assignment Overview
Investigate current population health and epidemiological data to learn about prevalent disease trends within your geographic region. Compare and contrast your findings with disease rates and trends in a different geographic region of your choosing.
Statistics from valid, reliable sources such as professional population health-focused organizations, governmental agencies, local and state health departments, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are appropriate sources to validate assessment findings.
Do not include websites where the accuracy and reliability of data are questionable. For example, do not rely upon .com websites.
Develop a 10 to 14 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly paper that includes:
Prevalent Infectious and Chronic Diseases
Application of Epidemiological Model
Levels of Prevention
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Create the scholarly presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Record your narration of the presentation using the “Record Narration” feature in PowerPoint.
Cite and reference sources within the presentation using guidelines from the APA Manual (6th edition).
Slides must professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font size appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font utilized. Correct spelling and word usage should be evident on the slide, and if used, graphics and images should be professional and appropriate for the topic.
Narration of the presentation should be clear, logical and organized. Timing and flow of information should be appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented. A professional tone should be used, with limited use of filler words.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Direct quotes should not be used in this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.
Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:
Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.
NR530 Foundations of Population Health
Week 6 Assignment
Vulnerable Populations
Population-level health risks and disparities are influenced by many complex variables, including physical, social, economic, educational, and environmental circumstances. In some situations, a group or sub-population may experience increased risk or vulnerability for poor health outcomes due to these variables. Recognizing the connection between the determinants and the health of the vulnerable group, efforts to intervene are focused on these variables and include coordinated efforts from clinical healthcare systems, public health systems, and public policy initiatives.
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a vulnerable population in order to identify relevant health risks and disparities. Variables influencing the risks and disparities experienced by members of the vulnerable population will be determined, and an upstream strategy to improve the health of the at-risk group will be proposed. Correlation of the proposed strategy with national initiatives to address population health will be analyzed.
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO #1 – Apply foundational concepts, models, and frameworks to promote health equity at the population level (PO #1, 2, 5)
CO #2 – Investigate the impact of social, economic, cultural, and environmental variables on population health risks and disparities (PO #1, 3)
CO #3 – Analyze population health-related competencies, interventions, and implications for advanced nursing practice (PO #1, 5)
Due Date: This assignment is due Sunday 11:59 pm MT at the end of week 6.
Total Points Possible: 200 Points
Assignment Overview
Please note: Both the week 2 and week 6 assignments require you to identify a population as the subject for the assignment. It is expected that the selected population for the week 6 assignment will be different from the population you addressed in the week 2 assignment.
Identify one vulnerable population to investigate for this assignment. Explore current scholarly sources and related population health data to better understand the social determinants and variables that place this population at risk for poor health and the disparities experienced by members of the vulnerable group. Analyze national health directives (such as the Healthy People initiative) to determine correlation with needs of the vulnerable population. Consider “upstream” collaborative strategies to reduce disparity and promote health outcomes among this at-risk population.
Develop a three- to five-page scholarly paper including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly paper that includes:
Factors Influencing Vulnerability
Proposed Intervention
Correlation with Population Health Initiatives
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Create the written paper using Microsoft Word.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
First person should not be used within this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to
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