Need a tutor to pls help me review and edit my paper posted below… N
Need a tutor to pls help me review and edit my paper posted below… Need a tutor to pls help me review and edit my paper posted below in APA 7 format. Title page:Personal Philosophy of Nursing Okpara T. Samuel, LPN University of Arkansas NURS 4003 Transitions to Professional NursingInstructor Name: Mrs. Leslie Fett Submitted on February 24, 2022 Personal Philosophy of NursingMy personal philosophy of nursing follows the idea of putting the person at the center of care otherwise known as “patient-centered” care. The subject of all healthcare anywhere all over the world is the patient (the human being). Every human being has his/her own unique components that follow him wherever he goes. These components include his culture (such as beliefs, norms, values, food, religion, rituals, aesthetics, etc.), environment, personality, and socioeconomic factors. According to Neuman’s theory, a human being is regarded as a total (Holistic) person with complex multi-dimensional aspects. Petiprin, A. (2020). Neuman’s systems model., In this regard, providing healthcare for a person would not be complete except the care also include all the components that follow him. Human BeingIt’s agreeable following Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment, to view a human as a social being capable of showing feeling and rationale, can perceive, think, make choices, set, and achieve goals. Petiprin, A. (2020). King’s theory of goal attainment. However, I would define a human being as a person consisting of a soul, spirit, and body that’s built on a blank foundation, but determined by multidimensional cultural, genetical, and environmental factors. The building of his person is progressive with time and changing environmental factors till death. According to Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, as further developed by John Lock, every human was given a clean slate of mind, called “tabula rasa” at birth as a basic foundation to build his person upon. Tabula rasa. (2020, January 15). New World Encyclopedia, . Retrieved 11:21, January 30, 2022. However, in my definition of a human being, apart from “tabula rasa,” the human foundation also consists of some endowed innate genetical factors which combine with the environment to set up the platform upon which a person would continue to build. EnvironmentAn environment consists of the combination of what surrounds a person externally and what holds a person internally. Talking about the external factors, these include his social, geographical, domestic, economic, occupational, and cultural status surrounding a person. Florence Nightingale in her writings emphasized that the physical environment and all that surrounds a human being should be taken into consideration concerning his/her health state. Angelo Gonzalo. 2021. Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory. Also, internal factors consist of his thought process, mental status, physiological components, and genetic makeup. All these factors combined are what determine the totality of a human being. According to Neuman, the environment is also viewed as the combination of internal and external stressors which could be interpersonal, intrapersonal, or extrapersonal that surround a person which when interacting may affect the person’s line of defense and disrupt his normal life. Petiprin, A. (2020). Neuman’s systems model. HealthHealth is the overall wellness of a person. Per King’s theory of goal attainment, every human requires needs to be informed about health and prevention of illness. Petiprin, A. (2020). King’s theory of goal attainment. Given these, different people from different cultural backgrounds tend to handle their health needs based on their cultural orientation. However, there are lots of culturally based health handling that could have immediate or eventual fatal consequences or other detrimental health issues, except there are consistent and proper nursing interventions put in place to address the situations. Examples of such culturally-based health handling include female genital mutilation, infant force-feeding, etc…… NursingFollowing Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing theory, it’s the responsibility of nurses to understand the influence of culture in providing healthcare intervention to patients. Madeleine Leininger in her theory also noted that patients, through their cultural beliefs could be consuming remedies that could be detrimental to their health. Petiprin, A. (2020). Madeleine Leininger -nursing theorist. Given these realities, for instance, nurses should understand how to properly provide health care to Amish patients, Jehovah’s witness/seventh-day Adventists/Muslims/African American, Spanish, Asian, etc. when it comes to using some medical interventions that contradict their respective beliefs and how to properly empathize with them when they grief the loss of their loved ones. Moreover, according to Jean Watson (1997), a Human being cannot be treated as a mere object, and neither can he be separated from self and others. Therefore, nursing care should be holistic and interactional. RelationshipGoing by various theorist as mentioned above, one would see that the concepts of human being, environmental, health and nursing, are interwoven. I would therefore base my nursing philosophy on holistic patient-centered care. Nursing care shouldn’t be only one-way traffic of college’s scientific healthcare nursing process. Nursing care should take into consideration that patients are human beings and not some kind of scientific lab objects. Their healthcare demand that interpersonal relationship and their immediate physical space must be taken as part of their health content. All of these are tie up to my personal nursing philosophy of holistic or total patient-centered nursing care. ConclusionEvery person is a human being and not an object. They walk around with multidimensional components of internal and external space (environment), culture, personality, genetic makeup etc. Nursing care should focus on a patient as a whole and taking all his components as part of his health content that also need to be taken care of. All these boils down to my personal philosophy of nursing -Holistic patient-centered nursing care. With this in mind, nursing care should be given to patients in consideration of all their components. ReferencesPetiprin, A. (2020). King’s theory of goal attainment., A. (2020). Madeleine Leininger -nursing theorist., A. (2020). Neuman’s systems model. rasa. (2020, January 15). New World Encyclopedia, . Retrieved 11:21, January 30, 2022. INSTRUCTIONA nursing philosophy is a statement of your fundamental, foundational, and universal assumptions, beliefs, and principles about the nature of nursing. Write a formal paper about your own personal philosophy of nursing and compare your definitions with a selected nursing theory. You will want to draw from previous academic and work experiences, morals, values, beliefs, as well as new information presented in this course. The paper should be 4-5 pages for the body of the paper plus a title page and a reference page (total 7 pages). Please follow the outline below.Introduction: Set the stage for the content of your philosophy of nursing to make the paper appealing and intriguing.Definition of Human Being: This is your definition of what a human being is and how the human being is composed. Compare your definition to one nursing theorist’s definition and give examples.Definition of Environment: This is your definition of what is meant by environment, both internal/external, in terms of the human being. Compare your definition to one nursing theorist’s definition and give examples.Definition of Health: This is your definition of what is meant by health in terms of the human being. Remember, this is not asking for the definition of healthy, but what is health, good health, poor health, and where does death or absence of health fit in the schema. Compare your definition to one nursing theorist’s definition and give examples.Definition of Nursing: This is your definition of nursing. This should be a broad, but thorough definition, not specific only to your practice area. Think about comprehensive, solid, evidenced-based, patient-centered care. Compare your definition to one nursing theorist’s definition and give examples.Develop your philosophy’s nursing metaparadigm by stating the relationship of each of the four concepts (human being, environment, health, and nursing) to each other and how one affects the other. Please feel free to add a section to this paper on caring (within the constraint of 5 pages of content), as it has recently been added to this metaparadigm. Caring is a common element in many philosophies.Conclusion: Summarize the salient information from all the concepts above. Do not introduce new content in this section, summarize what you have already written.You will need at least 3 scholarly sources referenced for this paper. A dictionary website, WHO, or database is not considered a scholarly reference. Please keep in mind that the main focus should be building and developing your own personal philosophy of nursing, not describing a philosophy, or discussing how to develop one. The bulk of the paper should be your own words and original thoughts. Your support pieces (reference use) should be less than 20% of the final paper, preferably less than 15%. Let your own philosophy shine!!Your paper will be automatically submitted to the Turn It In software when you turn it in, with the goal of less than 20% unoriginal content showing on your report. This is software that detects potential plagiarism or citation errors so please be sure to utilize your resources to get help on APA 7 if needed prior to submission. This paper must be prepared only by you as an individual performance assessment. Viewing a version of this paper online or from other students is prohibited.Please view the grading rubric for this paper within the assignment link or in the syllabus.Submit your document (in .doc, . docx, or . pdf format only) using the assignment link above and then attaching your file by using the “browse my computer” option. APA 7 INSTRUCTIONAPA CHECKLISTvGENERAL GUIDELINES 7th Edition: Make sure that whatever APA format resource you have chosen is based on the latest printing of the 7th edition of the official APA manual from the American Psychological Association. Margins: 1 inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) set as default. Paper: Formatted for 8.5″ x 11″ white paper Paragraph indentation: ½ inch. Use the tab feature of Word. Spacing after punctuation marks: New in the 7th edition there is again to be one space after periods and marks at the end of sentences in the body of a paper and one space between commas, colons, and semi-colons. Font size and type: New to 7th edition font can be Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, or Georgia 11 point font. Do not use bold, special fonts, etc. unless specifically required for a level heading. This must be set independently for page headers/page numbers and the body of the paper. Font settings should be consistent throughout the paper, including headings, running head, and references. Spacing: Double spacing set as default throughout the entire paper, including the title page, body, and references. Note: Check paragraph settings. Make sure that spacing before and after paragraphs is set to zero. If not, this will create incorrect spacing. Alignment: Flush left for the body of the paper. Do not full justify. The right margin should be uneven and jagged. Use automatic word wrapping and do not use the enter key at the end of each line. Running head: No running head required for student papers. See student paper Title Page example in the APA 7th edition, section 2.3 Pagination: The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on the first line of every page. Abstract and Table of Contents: No abstract or table of contents required unless specified by instructor. TITLE PAGE Pagination: The title page is numbered as page 1. Use the insert page number feature of Word. Key elements: The paper title (upper and lowercase letters and in bold), author(s), university, college/department, and program designations appear in this order, each on its own line. Use the automatic centering feature of Word. Use LPN, LVN, or RN (you may include all pertinent credentials) after your name unless you have not yet taken NCLEX. Course number, name, and semester: The bottom two lines of the title page include the course number and name NURS 4003 Transition to Professional Nursing Practice (for example) and then the Semester a comma and the due date. Use the CTRL and Enter keys at the same time or Insert page break feature of Word to designate a hard page break immediately following the year. BODY Title: Type the title of the paper (upper and lowercase letters) centered on the first line below the page header. This should be identical to the title line from the title page. Bold the title (Section 2.11, page 39 of APA manual 7th ed.). Pagination: The body of the paper begins on page 2. Subsections of the body of the paper do not begin on new pages or require additional blank lines between sections. Keep headers and the content they head together by using the CTRL enter or insert and page break. Introduction: The introduction (which is not labeled with a heading) begins on the first line following the paper title, using a tab for indention. Headings: If desired or requested by instructor use headings to organize the document and reflect the relative importance of sections in the paper. Level one headings are centered, bold, and use uppercase and lowercase letters. Using them or not, the content of your paper should be ordered logically and appropriately for the assignment. If level 2, level 3, etc. headings are used, place them appropriately and bold or italicize as called for in the APA manual. Quotations: When using an author’s exact words verbatim, always include quotation marks, author, year, and page number as part of the citation. (Author, year, p. #) This information is provided in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. If the author’s last name is used in the text of the sentence with the quoted material, the year in parenthesis immediately follows the author’s last name. A second parenthesis goes at the end of the sentence with the page number. (Omitting even one accidentally is plagiarism and can result in a grade reduction, a grade of zero for the assignment, submission to the academic integrity board, or having it returned to you, at the discretion of the instructor). The period ending a sentence with a quote goes after the parenthesis. Use quotations sparingly as a paraphrase is preferable in most cases. Anytime you use a direct quotation from a non-paginated source (like a web page, E-book/journal) be sure to include the paragraph number. Example: (Smith, 2000, para. 4). Paraphrase: Any material used as a source of information for your paper must be documented in the body of the paper by citing the author(s) and year of the source. A citation formally acknowledges the work of others. If two authors, always list both author’s names and use & within parenthesis and the word and spelled out if in the text of the sentence. If there are three or more authors, always use the first author and et al. See Table 8.1 in APA manual for examples. Gender bias or colloquial expressions: No gender biased language or colloquial expressions (informal words or language, slang). First person (I, me, my, etc.) should be avoided in all college level papers if at all possible, third person view preferred. The singular form of “they” and “their” are endorsed as gender neutral. Proper spelling and grammar: Use the spell check and grammar check feature of Word. If Word underlines in red or green, right click on the underlined text for spelling, grammar, or spacing suggestions. Remember that these tools do not catch all errors. Proofread carefully. Have someone who is skilled also provide proofreading assistance especially if English is a second language. Correct use of abbreviations: The first time an acronym or abbreviation is used, spell it out and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Thereafter, use only the abbreviation. Logical flow: A well written paper has an introduction (tells the reader what you are going to tell them), has a body (tells them), and has a conclusion (reminds the reader what you told them and should tie it all back to the introduction). It does not end on page 5 just because an instructor specified a 5 page paper. Do not use “in conclusion”. REFERENCES Pagination: References begin on a new page at the end of the paper (use CTRL and Enter keys or Insert page break) and are double spaced. The word References is centered and bold on the first line below the page header. If there is only one reference there is no s for plural used. If referencing a textbook, copy and paste the reference from the syllabus textbook list as this has been properly formatted for you. Hanging indent: The reference begins on the line following the References heading and use automatic hanging indent of ½ inch. Entries are organized alphabetically by last name of first authors. Most references have three components: Authors: Authors are listed in the same order as specified in the sources, using last name and all initials provided. Commas separate all authors. If two to nineteen authors, use an & before the last author. If 20 or more authors, list the first 20 and an elipse . . . then the last author. If the author is an organization, the author listing still ends with a period. No credentials are used. Be careful of spelling, foreign names, hyphenated names, and Jr., or III. Misspelled names are not retrievable from the library database. If the author is also the publisher, do not list them twice, but use the word Author in the publisher position. Take care when alphabetizing multiple articles by same author or authors. Alphabetize on first item that is different. Year of Publication: In parenthesis following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified, use the n.d. in parenthesis following the authors. Sources of Reference: Includes title of article, journal name, volume, pages (for journal articles) or title, publisher (for books). Omit the words Publishers, Co., or Inc. and use two letter postal abbreviations for states when referencing books. Spell out the name of journals in full. Give page numbers in full and provide all sets of page numbers if an article contains discontinuous pages. Only if the journal starts page numbering back at page one for each issue, provide the issue number is parenthesis and not italicized after the volume number. This is true of some foreign and infrequently published issues that are not typically bound into a single continuously page numbered volume. If page numbers are over 100, it is generally safe to omit the issue number. doi: This stands for digital object identifier. In the library database, click on the name of the article to check for a doi. It might also be on the top or bottom of the first page of an article. Copy and paste the doi if one is available. Remember to make sure that you make it Times New Roman 12 point font and that the d remains lowercase. If there is no doi available for an article, use the web link for the location information. By spacing once after the web address it became a blue active link. Check all links to be sure they take the reader to the intended page, which is not the article itself. You may remove the hyperlink for a more uniform look. Capitalization: The first word of the title is capitalized in the title of book or journal article. If there is a subtitle it is designated by a colon and the first word of the subtitle is also capitalized. Proper nouns are also capitalized in titles of articles or books. Italics: The title of a book or the name of a journal is italicized. The volume number of a journal is also italicized. The name of a journal article is not italicized. If you use the Cite feature from the library database, remember that the APA example may contain errors and will need to be edited. Complete reference list: All references listed on the reference page must have been used in the body of the paper in a quotation or paraphrase citation. The APA manual and personal communications are not listed on the reference page. Personal communication does require citation in the body. Consistency: Go down the reference list numerous times, each time looking at a single individual element (only author’s last name, only the year of publication, then only the title of the journal article, etc. Any inconsistencies in APA formatting will appear to jump out and be more obvious. In the syllabus, the instructor will specify the minimum number and type of references to be used for each specific assignment. When in doubt if a source is acceptable, always ask the instructor. This APA checklist is not intended to replace the APA manual, but is one more resource instructors have provided to promote improvement in scholarly writing throughout the nursing program. Health Science Science Nursing NURSING 4003 Share EmailCopy link Comments (0)
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