Do it in 6 pages.



1. Briefly describe the incident which led to you being assigned this paper.

2. Reflect on the policy of which you were found in violation. Why does it exist? What purpose does it serve?

3. Break down the Academic Integrity policy into its various components and explain each component.

4. What are strategies you can integrate into your academics so as to avoid violations of this policy in the future?

5. What should students do to avoid violating this policy?

6. What can the University do to better inform students about this policy?

This paper must be in paragraph format, typewritten and double- spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point font, and appropriate citations. Before submitting it to me, it should be proofread and grammar checked.

Do it in 6 pages.

Reference material for some answer.

Ans 1 ) we discussed the incident that occurred on September 27, 2020. You stated you needed to submit an assignment for your RGA6101 course about a particular drug or medical device. You noted you had two additional assignments due the same day and worked on this assignment last. You explained you found a paper online that was similar to the topic and copied the text into your submission. You said your Professor told you they believed you plagiarized the assignment. The incident report discussed that you submitted a previous student’s paper as your own. The incident report identified that your submission was identical to the other student’s submission, including the cover page design. The Turnitin report indicated your submission had a similarity index of 100% relative to a paper submitted to Northeastern University. The text of your submission was verbatim the same as text in the other student’s submission. You acknowledged you used the words of another as your own without providing proper citation and Accepted Responsibility for violating the Academic Integrity policy. Thank you for your honesty.

You identified that you should not have copied the assignment. You shared that you transferred to Northeastern and were not aware of the Academic Integrity policy. We reviewed the policy and you stated it existed because it helped students grow and form their own ideas. You said if you knew more about the policy, you would not have copied the paper. You stated after you realized the mistake, you tried to resubmit the assignment with original work. You explained it was “not fair” to other students to submit work that was not your own. You discussed in the future you would email your Professor to request extensions on assignments if needed. Thank you for sharing.


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Nursing Standards

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Clinical Guidelines

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Living Guideline

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Evidence-based practice

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JBI: Evidence summary

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JBI: Best practice information sheet

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Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

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Drug Information

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Perth Children’s Hospital. (2022, April). Appendicitis [Emergency Department Guidelines]. Child and Adolescent Health Service.

Department of Health. (n.d.). Who is being active in Western Australia?

Donaldson, L. (Ed.). (2017, May 1). Healthier, fairer, safer: The global health journey 2007-2017. World Health Organisation.

NCBI Bookshelf

Rodriguez Ziccardi, M., Goyal, G., & Maani, C. V. (2020, August 10). Atrial flutter. In Statpearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Royal Perth Hospital. (2016). Procedural management: Pre and post (24-48 hours) NPS. Canvas.



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