Dietary Supplements – answer the question and in short and simple form


answer the question and in short and simple form

Part 1:Dietary Supplements (15 pts)

A friend shows you the vast array of dietary supplements that he takes each morning in hopes of improving his fitness, boosting his energy, and increasing his immunity.Your friend is in good health, is at a healthy weight, and seems to follow a varied and balanced diet.

  • 1- What are three consideration or cautions that come to mind regarding the use of dietary supplements in this scenario?Explain in a paragraph.
  • 2- Do you believe supplementation is warranted in the case above?Why or why not?Use readings from this unit to support your position.Please cite any references used.
  • 3- When would you recommend the use of supplements for an individual?Explain and cite any references.

Part 2:Functional Foods: What’s in This Food? (20 points)

Food manufacturers are expanding the range of nutrients they add to foods as well as the types of foods to which nutrients are added. The increasing presence of fortified and enhanced foods in supermarkets has the potential to affect the nutrient intake and health of individuals. What role do functional foods play in your diet?

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  • 1- Choose a functional food product (packaged food product that has one or more added nutrients or dietary constituents) that you typically consume. If you do not consume a product that would be considered a functional food product, chose one to evaluate.List the name and manufacturer of the product you chose.If possible insert a picture of the product:
  • 2- Which nutrients or dietary constituents have been added to this product?
  • 3- Are there any nutrient or health claims on the food label? If so, list the claim. How would you classify the claim—health claim, structure-function claim, or nutrient content claim?
  • 4- Would you consider the added nutrients to be nutrients that most people need more of in their diets?Justify your answer based on what you have learned so far in this class.
  • 5- Why might you use this particular food product? Would you purchase it for the taste, the added nutrients, the potential health benefit, or other reasons?
  • 6- Is this particular type of product available without the added nutrients or extra fortification? For example, if you chose orange juice with added calcium, the answer would be “yes,” as this product is available as orange juice without added calcium. Do you know if there is a cost difference between the regular product and the functional food version? Are you willing to pay more for the enhanced product?
  • 7- What role do you think functional foods should play in the food market and in the diet of the population overall?Please explain your answer in a short paragraph using readings to support your position.
  • 8- Do you see any potential for misuse or excessive nutrient intake through the use of this or similar products? What if an individual is also taking a dietary supplement that includes the same nutrient?Please explain your answer in a short paragraph using readings to support your position.


Nursing Standards

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2018). Code of conduct for midwives.

Clinical Guidelines

Guideline Adaption Committee. (2016). Clinical practice guidelines and principles of care for people with dementia. NHMRC Partnership Centre for Dealing with Cognitive and Related Function Decline in Older People.

Living Guideline

Stroke Foundation. (2022). Australian and New Zealand living clinical guidelines for stroke management – chapter 1 of 8: Pre-hospital care.

Evidence-based practice

BMJ Best Practice

Goldfarb, S., & Josephson, M. (2020). Cystic fibrosis. BMJ Best Practice.

Schub, T., & Cabrera, G. (2018). Bites: Head lice [Evidence-based care sheet]. Cinahl Information Systems.

Beyea, S. C., & Slattery, M. J. (2006). Evidence-based practice in nursing: A guide to successful implementation.

JBI: Evidence summary

Swe, K. K. (2022). Blood glucose levels: Self-monitoring [Evidence summary]. JBI EBP Database.

JBI: Best practice information sheet

Bellman, S. (2022). Experiences of living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis [Best practice information sheet]. JBI EBP Database, 24(1), 1-4.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Srijithesh, P. R., Aghoram, R., Goel, A., & Dhanya, J. (2019). Positional therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Drug Information

Codeine. (2023, January). In Australian medicines handbook. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from

Colorado State University. (2011). Why assign WID tasks?


Dartmouth Writing Program. (2005). Writing in the social sciences.

Rutherford, M. (2008). Standardized nursing language: What does it mean for nursing practice? [Abstract]. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(1).

Wagner, D. (n.d.). Why writing matters in nursing.

Writing in nursing: Examples. (n.d.).

Perth Children’s Hospital. (2022, April). Appendicitis [Emergency Department Guidelines]. Child and Adolescent Health Service.

Department of Health. (n.d.). Who is being active in Western Australia?

Donaldson, L. (Ed.). (2017, May 1). Healthier, fairer, safer: The global health journey 2007-2017. World Health Organisation.

NCBI Bookshelf

Rodriguez Ziccardi, M., Goyal, G., & Maani, C. V. (2020, August 10). Atrial flutter. In Statpearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Royal Perth Hospital. (2016). Procedural management: Pre and post (24-48 hours) NPS. Canvas.



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