Briefly describe the three career stages nurses will progress…

  1. Briefly describe the three career stages nurses will progress through in their career? 
  2. What factors should be considered for individual career planning? 
  3. Explain the need for transition-to-practice programs.  How do these programs bridge the gap from nursing school to the workplace? 
  4. Compare and contrast the shared governance and participatory decision making. 
  5. what are the five model components required for Magnet status? Give an example of each. 
  6. Briefly discuss what stakeholders are. Give two examples of internal and three examples of external stakeholders. 
  7. Briefly discuss three ways in which a manager can bridge the authority-power gap. 
  8. What is power/authority in regard to leadership/management?  
  9. briefly discuss the six factors that affect recruitment. 
  10.  what is the relationship between recruitment and retention?
  11. Discuss how managers can avoid being accused of discrimination in the interview process. 
  12. Compare and contrast readiness to learn and motivation to learn. 
  13. Explain five ways managers can ease the role transition of new graduates. 
  14. Differentiate between mentor, preceptor, and role model. 
  15. What should a manager consider when making a schedule and staffing a unit?

Matching: (MO4.8)

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Match the following terms with their definition.

  1. Reward power
  2. Legitimate power
  3. Coercive power
  4. Expert power
  5. Referent power
  6. Charismatic power
  7. Information power
    • Association with others
    • Knowledge and skill
    • the need for information
    • Ability to grant favors
    • Fear
    • Position
    • Personal
Explanation & Answer

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