nr703 week 7 paper 2019

Advanced Practice Leadership Paper
from an ethic of care

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The purpose of this paper is to provide the student an opportunity to critically appraise advanced nursing practice leadership from an Ethic of Care perspective.

Course Outcomes

This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes.


CO4: Assimilate relationship-based and patient-centered care attributes for interprofessional collaboration in advanced nursing practice (PO #8).


CO6: Formulate selected strategies for increasing interprofessional collaboration and influence

across diverse personal, professional, and/or practice settings (PO #8).


CO7: Explore ethical dilemma outcomes of organizational and leadership behavior such as mobbing and bullying that have an adverse impact on advanced nursing practice and interprofessional collaboration (PO #8).


Due Date

Submit your completed application by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 7 as directed.

  1. To complete this paper, please search from the library home page at  Click the Everything tab to search on your keywords.  Using this search field pulls from over 70 large databases, including all the major journals from the platforms of EBSCO, OVID, ProQuest, PQ eBooks, DOAJ, Science Direct, Wiley, R2 eBooks, Royal College of Nursing (RNI), and Sage. Searching with the Journal Articles tab clicked pulls results from all those plus shows availabilities from the WorldCat system. Federal and other open access sources are not included in the search functions and must be searched individually. See the list of open access article databases at  For help, click the Database Tutorials tab in the Where to Find Help box on the library home page or contact a librarian with this form .


  1. The Advanced Nursing Practice Leadership from an ethic of care paper is worth 275 points and will be graded on the quality of information, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria rubric.
  2. Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word 2010 (a part of Microsoft Office 2010) or later version, which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as an MS Word 2010 document because it will end in “.docx.”
  3. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
  4. The length of the paper is to be no fewer than six and no greater than eight pages, excluding the title page and reference pages.
  5. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.
    1. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface; See APA, pp. 62-63).
      1. Description of Ethic of Care Versus Ethic of Justice Perspectives
      2. Reflection on the Application from an Ethic of Care Perspective
      3. Conclusion
    2. Note: Write an introduction to the advanced nursing practice leadership dynamic but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
Preparing the Paper

The following are best practices for preparing this paper.

  1. In your introduction, establish the purpose of your paper (it should reflect the assignment guidelines purpose) and provide a mini-outline in sentence format of what you will present. The mini-outline should mirror the level headings (except for the Conclusion)—in this case, you have two level heading topics that are required.
  2. Briefly introduce information related to a leadership dynamic topic in its practice context that you can discuss in relation to the Ethic of Care (in other words, the dynamic or issue is used to help you describe how you would apply the theory of Ethic of Care/Justice to it as a DNP leader).
  1. Examples of topics could include bullying and incivility, conflict resolution, moral principles, teamwork and collaboration, cultural beliefs and behaviors, or another topic that is of interest to you.
  1. When describing ethic of care versus ethic of justice perspectives, be sure to fully describe the potential impacts of each ethical perspective on your leadership dynamic topic using current evidence and examples from your advance nursing practice.


  1. When reflecting on the application from an ethic of care dynamic, be sure to fully critique and explain factors that compel leading from an ethic of care in today’s healthcare environment.
Directions and Grading Criteria





Introduction to the advanced nursing practice leadership dynamic



Introduces the purpose of the paper and addresses all background information elements of the advanced nursing practice leadership dynamic in its practice context

  1. In your introduction, establish the purpose of your paper (it should reflect the assignment guidelines purpose) and provide a mini-outline, in sentence format, of what the paper will present. The mini-outline should mirror the level headings (except for the Conclusion)—in this case, you have two level heading topics that are required.
    1. Example of a purpose statement: The purpose of this of this paper is to critically appraise advanced nursing practice leadership from an ethic of care versus an ethic of justice perspective, examining both ethical perspectives through current evidence and reflecting on factors that require the caring ethic in today’s practice.
  2. Briefly introduce information related to a leadership dynamic topic in its practice context that you can discuss in relation to the Ethic of Care (in other words, the dynamic or issue is used to help you describe how you would apply the theory of Ethic of Care/Justice to it as a DNP leader).
  1. Examples of topics could include bullying and incivility, conflict resolution, moral principles, teamwork and collaboration, cultural beliefs and behaviors, or another topic that is of interest to you.


Description of ethic of care versus ethic of justice perspectives



Present BOTH leadership perspectives, the Ethics of Care and the Ethic of Justice, and their potential impacts on your leadership dynamic topic. Use current evidence and examples from your own advanced nursing practice context to support your discussions.



1. Use Level II headings to outline/organize the paragraphs on the Ethic of Care and the Ethic of Justice.

2. Start with Week 7’s lesson “Ethic of Care Versus Ethic of Justice” and explore the literature in the Chamberlain library databases of several references that support what you, as advanced practice leadership nurses, believe about the topic (One approach is to start with your expert opinions and then use your evidence to support your argument).

Reflection on the application from an ethic of care perspective



Individually critiques factors that compel the Ethic of Care in today’s healthcare environment. Use examples from the practice context and from literature to support your assertions. Use your leadership dynamic topic to help demonstrate why it is important to lead from an Ethic of Care.

Suggestion: Use a guiding question for yourself to guide the reflection. For example, why is it so important in today’s healthcare environment to practice from an ethic of care? Or Why should my practice demonstrate an ethic of care but require the ethic of justice as well?




Identifies the main ideas and major conclusions from the body of your paper, with minor details left out, and summarizes the benefits of the application of an Ethic of Care to advanced nursing practice

Suggestion: Summarize in such a way that you draw conclusions for your reader and show that you have an excellent understanding of the ethic of care contributions to advanced nursing practice. Develop the conclusion so that each of your major points are revisited but stated differently. You know how to practice the science and art of nursing.

Clarity of writing



Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure; no spelling errors or typographical errors; organized around the required components using appropriate headers


1. Use tools like Grammarly, spell check/grammar check,, someone else to look at your manuscript.

2. Start early and run it through Draft TURNITIN but only one time to check.

3. Be mindful as much as you can to turn conversational and colloquial writing into academic writing, especially when you rewrite your original draft—ALWAYS PROOFREAD.

4. LOOK BELOW at the grading rubric to double check your content.

APA format



APA (6th ed.) formatting is used and all evidence and information that is taken from another source (even if summarized) are appropriately cited in the paper with matching references:

  1. The document should be formatted as required in APA & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  2. Title page, title on the 1st page, & and reference page(s) should match APA format:
  3. Citations in the text should match the APA table on p, 177 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  4. References should match APA examples starting on p. 198 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Meets Criteria

Partially Meets Criteria

Does Not Meet Criteria

Introduction to the Advanced Nursing Practice leadership dynamic


(30 points)

Excellent presentation of an introduction that briefly

              1. Introduces the selected advanced nursing practice leadership dynamic.
              2. Introduces the Ethic of Care and Ethic of Justice leadership perspectives.
              3. Presents the paper’s purpose statement and a mini-outline of the paper in sentence format.


27–30 points

An adequate introduction fails to include one of the following elements:

              1. The selected advanced nursing practice leadership dynamic
              2. Introduction of the Ethic of Care and Ethic of Justice leadership perspectives.
              3. The paper’s purpose statement and a mini-outline of the paper in sentence format.



23–26 points

An inadequate introduction fails to include two or more of the following elements:

              1. The selected advanced nursing practice leadership dynamic
              2. Introduction of the Ethic of Care and Ethic of Justice leadership perspectives.
              3. The paper’s purpose statement and a mini-outline of the paper in sentence format.

0–22 points

Description of Ethic of Care versus Ethic of Justice perspectives


(55 points)

An excellent discussion presents

  1. BOTH leadership perspectives, the Ethics of Care and the Ethic of Justice
  2. Their potential impacts on the leadership dynamic topic.
  3. Current evidence and examples from advanced nursing practice context to support discussions.





50–55 points

An adequate discussion presents/develops all but one of the following components is missing or not developed substantively:

  1. BOTH leadership perspectives, the Ethics of Care and the Ethic of Justice
  2. Their potential impacts on the leadership dynamic topic.
  3. Current evidence and examples from advanced nursing practice context to support discussions.


42–49 points

An adequate discussion presents/develops all but two or more of the following components is missing or not developed substantively:

  1. BOTH leadership perspectives, the Ethics of Care and the Ethic of Justice
  2. Their potential impacts on the leadership dynamic topic.
  3. Current evidence and examples from advanced nursing practice context to support discussions.



0–41 points

Reflection on the application from an ethic of care perspective


(55 points)

An excellent discussion

  1. Individually critiques factors that compel the Ethic of Care in today’s healthcare environment.
  2. Uses examples from the practice context and from literature to support your assertions.
  3. Uses the leadership dynamic topic to help demonstrate why it is important to lead from an Ethic of Care.






50–55 points

An adequate discussion does not adequately develop one of the following:

  1. Individually critiques factors that compel the Ethic of Care in today’s healthcare environment.
  2. Uses examples from the practice context and from literature to support your assertions.
  3. Uses the leadership dynamic topic to help demonstrate why it is important to lead from an Ethic of Care.



42–49 points

An inadequate discussion does not adequately develop two or more of the following:

  1. Individually critiques factors that compel the Ethic of Care in today’s healthcare environment.
  2. Uses examples from the practice context and from literature to support your assertions.
  3. Uses the leadership dynamic topic to help demonstrate why it is important to lead from an Ethic of Care.



0–41 points



(30 points)

An excellent conclusion

  1. Identifies the main ideas and major conclusions from the body of your paper
  2. Summarizes the benefits of the application of an Ethic of Care to advanced nursing practice


27–30 points

An adequate discussion does not adequately develop one of the following:

  1. Identifies the main ideas and major conclusions from the body of your paper
  2. Summarizes the benefits of the application of an Ethic of Care to advanced nursing practice

23–26 points

An inadequate discussion does not adequately develop both of the following:

  1. Identifies the main ideas and major conclusions from the body of your paper
  2. Summarizes the benefits of the application of an Ethic of Care to advanced nursing practice


0–22 points

Clarity of writing


(50 points)

Excellent clarity of writing:


  1. Consistent use of standard English grammar and sentence structure is evident throughout the paper.
  2. Paper is generally free of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors.
  3. The paper is organized and uses the required Level I Headings headers and others as needed to organize the content.
  4. The sentences and wording are clear and concise, without slang, colloquialisms, street language, or conversational style.



45–50 points

Good clarity of writing has limited error patterns in one or more of these categories:


  1. Consistent use of standard English grammar and sentence structure is evident throughout the paper.
  2. Paper is generally free of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors.
  3. The paper is organized and uses the required Level I Headings headers and others as needed to organize the content.
  4. The sentences and wording are clear and concise, without slang, colloquialisms, street language, or conversational style.

38–44 points

Needs improvement in clarity of writing because of multiple error patterns in one or more of these categories:


  1. Consistent use of standard English grammar and sentence structure is evident throughout the paper.
  2. Paper is generally free of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors.
  3. The paper is organized and uses the required Level I Headings headers and others as needed to organize the content.
  4. The sentences and wording are clear and concise, without slang, colloquialisms, street language, or conversational style.

0–37 points

APA format


(55 points)

APA (6th ed.) formatting is correct with no more than 1–2 minor errors in the following categories:

  1. The document is formatted as required in APA & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  2. Title page, matching title on the 1st page, & and reference page(s) match APA format.
  3. Citations in the text match the APA table on p, 177 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  4. References match APA examples starting on p. 198 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”


50–55 points

APA (6th ed.) formatting is correct with no more than 3–5 minor errors in the following categories and/or 1–2 citations missing:

  1. The document is formatted as required in APA & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  2. Title page, matching title on the 1st page, & and reference page(s) match APA format:
  3. Citations in the text match the APA table on p, 177 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  4. References match APA examples starting on p. 198 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”

42–49 points

APA (6th ed.) formatting contains multiple errors in the following categories and/or has several citations missing:

  1. The document is formatted as required in APA & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  2. Title page, matching title on the 1st page, & and reference page(s) match APA format:
  3. Citations in the text match the APA table on p, 177 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”
  4. References match APA examples starting on p. 198 & “Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.”

0–41 points

Total Points Possible = ____ points  





There are still a number of issues in this area, and most are the patterns noted on your week 5 paper. Please continue to work on the issues documented there to improve the patterns from both papers.

Explanation & Answer

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