NR539 Assignments Latest 2021 November (Full)
NR539 Population Health II: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
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Week 2 Assignment
Program Planning Brochure
The process of writing goals and objectives is an important task for a program planner. One of the first steps of population health program planning is developing strong program goals and objectives. These goals and objectives will lay the foundation for program implementation, evaluation, and outcome achievement.
The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize the selected population assessment data to guide the beginning steps of the population-focused health promotion and disease prevention program planning process. Once the assessment data is analyzed, health problems and needs, along with a population or community diagnosis will be established. Finally, program goals and objectives to begin the program planning process will be proposed.
Week 2: Assignment Program Planning Brochure Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO 1: Synthesize assessment findings to propose plans for population-focused health promotion and disease prevention. (POs 1 and 5)
CO 2: Integrate inter-professional collaboration and ethical and legal principles to devise sustainable interventions in program planning to advance population health. (POs 2, 4, and 5)
Assignment Overview
Please note: This assignment builds on the assessment data collection and analysis completed in NR 538 as well as the population or community diagnosis created in Week 1 of this course.
Identify the population selected in the NR 538 course and analyze the assessment data collected. Explore current scholarly sources to better understand the health-related risks/problems and needs facing this group of people. Once you have prepared for the assignment, construct the program planning brochure.
Program Planning Brochure
Create a brochure to portray the elements noted below. The brochure must be your own original work, must include your name and date, and be submitted as either a pdf, word document, or publisher document. The brochure should be a bi-fold or tri-fold. Think of the brochure as a marketing piece or informational brochure for important population stakeholders. The brochure should inform stakeholders about the selected population problems, needs, diagnosis, and planned program goals and objectives.
Include the following elements in the brochure, and follow submission guidelines:
Description of the selected population
Population health risks/problems (minimum of 2) based on your assessment data collection and analysis
Population health needs (minimum of 2) based on your assessment data collection and analysis
Population or community diagnosis (created in Week 1). The diagnosis should be edited based on feedback from peers and instructor during Week 1.
Program Goals (minimum of 2)
Program Objectives (minimum of 2). Make sure these are measureable objectives.
Pictures or graphics relevant to your population (minimum of 2)
Include a minimum of three scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Reference citations will be included in small font on the back of the brochure.
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Program Planning Brochure – Create and submit a brochure as a pdf, word document, or publisher document.
Brochure may be either:
Created using Microsoft Publisher
Submitted as a pdf
Created using Microsoft Word.
Brochure must be clear and legible.
Brochure must be the student’s original work.
Brochure must include the student’s name and date on the front side of a tri-fold or bi-fold.
Brochure must include at least three scholarly sources on the back side of the brochure.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Citation of sources within the brochure (as needed) and reference section (on the back of the brochure) must follow APA guidelines .
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual.
No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
First person should not be used within this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.
Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:
Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.
NR539 Population Health II: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Week 4 Assignment
Population Health Program Implementation Presentation
Learning how to conduct a population or community assessment, analyzing the assessment results, determining the population needs, developing a population diagnosis, creating program goals and objectives, and developing a program plan have been the goals thus far. The next phase is learning how to implement a program with the target population. Program implementation involves including key stakeholders, gaining acceptance of the program, and developing intervention activities for putting the program into place.
The purpose of this assignment is to create a narrated PowerPoint presentation to present the program planning process and program implementation strategies to promote safe, high quality care to the targeted population. The presentation will describe the program, its expected outcomes, and program activities related to the program delivery. A program planning model or change model will be applied to the planning and implementation process. Lastly, the program implementation strategies and interventions will be described with their expected outcomes.
Week 4: Assignment Population Health Program Implementation Presentation Guideline & Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO 2: Integrate inter-professional collaboration and ethical and legal principles to devise sustainable interventions in program planning to advance population health. (POs 2, 4, and 5)
CO 3: Create implementation strategies which incorporate principles of safe, high quality care to promote population health outcomes. (POs 1, 2, and 4)
Assignment Overview
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation to present the program planning process and program implementation strategies to promote safe, high quality care to the targeted population. The presentation will describe the program, its expected outcomes, and program activities related to the program delivery. A program planning model or change model will be applied to the planning and implementation process. The program implementation strategies and interventions will be described with their expected outcomes.
Develop a 10 to 14 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly presentation that includes:
Introduction and Target Population
Program Goals and Objectives with Rationale
Program Description, Expected Outcomes, & Program Activities
Implementation Strategies and Expected Outcomes of Interventions
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Create the scholarly presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Record your narration of the presentation using the “Record Narration” feature in PowerPoint.
Cite and reference sources within the presentation using guidelines from the APA Manual.
Slides must professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font size appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font utilized. Correct spelling and word usage should be evident on the slide, and if used, graphics and images should be professional and appropriate for the topic.
Narration of the presentation should be clear, logical and organized. Timing and flow of information should be appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presented. A professional tone should be used, with limited use of filler words.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Direct quotes should not be used in this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.
Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:
Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.
NR539 Population Health II: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Week 6 Assignment
Population Health Program Evaluation Paper
During the NR 539 course, assignments build upon one another as you create a population diagnosis, determine the population needs, create program goals and objectives, develop a program plan, and devise program implementation strategies. In this next assignment, it is time to discuss program evaluation strategies.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify strategies for measuring program outcomes for the target population and create a population-based program evaluation plan. The paper will describe the selection of an evaluation design that best meets the needs of the population-focused program design. Proposed measures of program effectiveness for the evaluation plan will be discussed. Lastly, sources of data that are needed for the program evaluation and measuring program effectiveness will be described.
Week 6: Assignment Population Health Program Evaluation Paper Guidelines and Rubric Download Week 6: Assignment Population Health Program Evaluation Paper Guidelines and Rubric
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
CO 3: Create implementation strategies which incorporate principles of safe, high quality care to promote population health outcomes. (POs 1, 2, and 4)
CO 4: Develop methods for evaluation of program outcomes to support decision making and ongoing quality improvement. (POs 1, 2, and 5)
Assignment Overview
Please note: This assignment builds upon the work completed thus far in Weeks 1-5 of this course for the selected target population.
Develop a three- to five-page scholarly paper including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work. Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly paper that includes:
Program Evaluation Plan
Measuring Program Outcomes & Program Effectiveness
Sources of Data for Program Evaluation
Assignment Instructions
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Create the written paper using Microsoft Word.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual.
No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
First person should not be used within this assignment.
Revision Policy
If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:
After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.
Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:
Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
NR539 Population Health II: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Week 8 Assignment
E-Portfolio Activity
As you progress through the population health track, an e-portfolio tool will be used to document learning accomplishments, professional growth, and practicum experiences. The purpose of this assignment is to upload required course documents into the e-portfolio. In addition, this assignment serves as an e-portfolio checkpoint to prepare for progression to the next course in the population health track.
Week 8 E-Portfolio Activity Guidelines (Links to an external site.)
Please note: No points are assigned for this activity; however, it is an expectation that students will upload the required assignment documents as noted below.
Assignment Overview
To complete this learning activity, you will need to access your e-portfolio that was set up during the NR 538 course.
Upload your final version of each assignment noted, where a proficient score was earned in each content category.
Under the “Assignments” section in the e-portfolio, upload the following required assignments. Be sure to name your file as noted below prior to uploading into the e-portfolio.
NR 539 Week 4 Assignment: Population Health Program Implementation Presentation
Name your file: NR 539 Program Implementation Presentation First Name Last Name; for example: NR 539 Program Implementation Presentation Jackie Smith
NR 539 Week 6 Assignment: Population Health Program Evaluation Paper
Name your file: NR 539 Program Evaluation Paper First Name Last Name; for example: NR 539 Program Evaluation Paper Jackie Smith
Under the “Reflections on Learning” section in the e-portfolio, upload the following required assignment. Be sure to name your file as noted below prior to uploading into the e-portfolio:
NR 539 Week 8 Collaboration Café Reflections on Learning- Convert your Collaboration Café reflection posting into a Word document for submission into this e-portfolio.
Name your file: NR 539 Reflections on Learning First Name Last Name; for example: NR 539 Reflections on Learning Jackie Smith
To submit your e-portfolio link, use the Submit Assignment button and select the Text Entry tab. Cut and paste the link to your e-portfolio. Make sure you click the Submit Assignment button to complete the submission.
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