Patho discussion response 2


Read the pears discussions and respond to them with a reference. APA format

Discussion 1

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a worldwide organization who
strives at preventing and attacking cancer. Their mission is to save
lives by helping those who are fighting cancer through the help of
supporters and leaders who through research and hard work worldwide
join to fight against cancer, (ACS, 2018). ACS provides education and
information for those diagnosed with cancer as well as family members.
Their educational services are provided through online resource
services as well as through a cancer helpline service. Education can
also be provided through local resources made available in your area,
pamphlets, books, and medical journals. The resources available can
provide education on specific topics, for example on specific cancers,
treatments, options, side effects, the process and prognosis, what to
expect, and so forth. ACS also provides support, for example types of
support are physical and emotional. ACS makes specialist available to
patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This specialist are available
to help patients and families on how to cope. They provide services
like support groups, social services, medical equipment needed, wigs
or prosthesis, transportation to chemo or treatments, they offer
financial services, as well as lodging services for those who
treatments are far from home, (ACS, 2018).

For a family member or friend diagnosed with cancer I would
definitely recommend local community programs and services that offer
emotional support to patients and families. When diagnosed with
cancer, patients can go through a series of emotions, from fear,
anger, denial, stress, and the feeling of uncertainty that lead to
anxiety and other coping difficulties, therefore I feel it is
important that they receive the emotional support necessary. I also
feel that education is very important for cancer patients. Many are
unaware of the resources that can be available to help them comprehend
the diagnosis, treatments, and the process. I feel that I would highly
recommend these resources to help gain an understanding that will help
decision making as well as compliance.

Factors that may contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality
rates of cancers in Americans are late detection, missed diagnosis,
non-compliance of patients, tobacco, poor diet, lack of exercise,
alcohol use, infections, viruses, occupational exposures that can be
hazardous to health, and pollution in the air, (Sloan & Gelband,
2007). Other contributing factors are those in food, or contamination
of food, certain medications, and hormonal and reproductive factors.
Unfortunately radiation through studies can also contribute to cancer
as well as the natural ultraviolet radiation we receive from the sun.
Immunosuppressed patients are also a risk of developing cancer or risk
the difficulty of their body being able to fight against it, as well
as those who are genetic susceptible due to family genetics, (Sloan
& Gelband, 2007). Sadly there are so many risk factors that
contribute to that yearly incidence and mortality rate, as a nurse
providing education for our patients regarding the risk can help
decrease cancer and mortality rates by teaching them knowledge on how
to avoid certain risk factors.

According to the Cancer Action Network through the American Cancer
Association policies and practices are working to help prevent these
high yearly figures by providing life-saving coverage of cancer
prevention and early detection through federal law. These policies
also help those fighting cancer, and survivors of cancer to remain
free of cancer. Services through these polices are vaccine coverage
that can help prevent cancer, cancer screenings, intervention that
help weight loss and people from smoking, as well as covered annual
visits for Medicare beneficiaries, and public health fund programs to
improve health and lower cost in health care, (Cancer Action Network,
2018). Policies and practices healthcare like the ones mentioned are
great resources to help fight cancer and decrease the rates in cancer
incidence and mortalities. Funds and donations should continue to
contribute to policies that help stop and put cancer to an end. If
cancer can be controlled or put to an end, individuals can live,
survive, and be healthy.

The American Cancer Society fund and investments in research
programs to find solutions for better treatments help to find out more
about cancer and its causes. These programs are to help improvements
in cancer patients, (ACS, 2018). A current research program is the
“Liquid Biopsy,” this program is a study to detect if an
individual has cancer cells that can be detected and cured early. The
idea is to perform a biopsy of the tissue or cells through a blood
sample liquid form in any part of the body and then through laboratory
test examine and check for cancer cells. Although there are many test
that can detect cancer, like x-rays, Ct scans, and some blood samples.
This study is working on ways to identify ctDNA fragments of cancer
cells that not only detect it but also locate where the cancer may be,
(ACS, 2018). For these research program to be successful studies on
those diagnosed and undiagnosed is essential to determine the value of
the test. If these test results to be successful it can help prevent
and treat individuals early by early treatments, procedures, and
continuous follow up visits, and test needed that will avoid
metastasize and growth.

The fight against cancer is important to help care and cure our
patients and as nurses it is important we have the appropriate
knowledge to educate and help support both patients and their loved ones.


American Cancer Society. (2018). Treatment and Support. Retrieved

American Cancer Society. (2018). Our Research Programs. Retrieved

Cancer Action Network. (2018). Public Policy Resources. Retrieved

Sloan, F.A., Gelband, H. (2007). Cancer Control Opportunities in
Low-and-Middle-Income Countries: cancer causes and Risk factors and
the elements of cancer control. Retrieved from

Discussion 2

According to
American Cancer Society (2018), The American Cancer Society (ACS)
have its website and free cancer helpline 24/7 provide free
information and support to cancer patient from the diagnosis of
cancer through treatment and recovery. ACS educate and support
cancer patients and their family by provide emotional support and
information about types of cancer, cancer prevention and detection,
signs and symptoms of cancer, treatment options and their side
effects, how to find the right treatment team, how to deal with
financial and insurance issue, and available support programs and
services. I would recommend free ACS ‘s cancer helpline
service. When people has just been diagnosed with cancer, they
normally don’t know what to do, they need experts to talk to,
listen, and support. They need experts to teach them how to deal
with the cancer and financial problem. They want to know available
treatment option and support programs. By calling 1-800-227-2345,
people can reach ACS’ cancer information specialist 24/7, 365
days a year.

According to
American Cancer Society (2017), factors contribute to the yearly
incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans are
tobacco use, excess body weight, physical inactivity, excess alcohol
consumption, and poor nutrition, exposure to ultraviolet radiation,
and infectious agents. “Current federal law provides
life-saving coverage of cancer prevention and early detection
services and programs. These provisions are crucial to reducing the
incidence and impact of cancer in the United States… Most
private insurance and Medicaid expansion plans are required to
cover, without cost-sharing, clinical preventive services”
(American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, 2018). These
services include tobacco cessation treatment, cancer screenings,
weight loss interventions to reduce obesity and a vaccine that
prevents cervical and other cancers. Medicare beneficiary is
eligible for a free annual wellness visit, and pregnant women have
comprehensive tobacco cessation with no cost sharing.

According to
American Cancer Society (2018), Epidemiology Research Program is a program was
created at the American Cancer Society in 1946. They conduct
nationwide studies on cancer etiology, survival and long-term
survivorship and inform cancer prevention and control programs,
policies and guidelines. American Cancer Society epidemiologists
have published more than 750 scientific articles from these studies,
the findings provided strong evidence linking smoking with lung
cancer and higher overall death rates, obesity increases risk of
premature death, the link between obesity and death from breast and
colorectal, the malnutrition and low physical activity increases
risk of cancer, the connection between air pollution and mortality,
and identification of important genetic mutations associated with
certain cancers. Epidemiology Research Program make people
understanding the risks factor of cancer, cancer prevention, and
control programs.


American Cancer
Society. (2018). About the American Cancer Society. Retrieved from

American Cancer
Society. (2017). Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts &
Figures 2017-2018. Atlanta: American Cancer Society. Retrieved from…

American Cancer
Society. (2018). Epidemiology Research Program. Retrieved from…

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. (2018).
Strong Prevention Policies Will Reduce the Cancer Burden.
Retrieved from…

Discussion 3

The American Cancer Society is dedicated to helping people who face
cancer (American Cancer Society, 2018). Any time a family friend
endures a crisis, it affects the whole unit. When that friend is a
child, it hits even harder. I would recommend getting involved
with a support group. A strong support group can make all the
difference. Parents can relate to each other and share stories and
exchange ideas of how they have managed to get along with the drastic
change of life. Great ways to get involved are events. ACS offers many
events, such as the Susan G. Komen, Relay for Life events, and many
other activities to raise awareness and money for research. Many
active programs are available to help fight back against this dreaded
disease, so the more participation, the more research made available.
Some of the factors contributing to cancer in the US that can be
prevented are smoking and alcohol consumption. Overweight, lack of
physical activity, and poor nutrition are also contributors.
Screening can prevent several cancers. Screening offers early
detection of any cancer, therefore making the changes of survival
greater. It is known to reduce mortality for cancers of the breast,
colon, rectum, cervix, and lung (among long-term smokers and /or heavy
smokers) (American Cancer Society, 2018). Survival will also depend on
the type of cancer involved. Lack of health insurance and other
barriers prevent many people from receiving optimal care to include
screenings. With the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it is expected to
substantially reduce the number of people who are uninsured and
improve the health care system for cancer patients and others with
pre-existing health conditions (American Cancer Society, 2018).

No single nongovernmental, not-for-profit organization in the US has
invested more to find the causes and cures of cancer then the ACS
(American Cancer Society, 2018). Research is a mainstay of the mission
of the ACS. Cancer is evil. It is evil at any age, but when it affects
children, it is a whole other level. The innocence of children struck
by a deadly disease of this magnitude sets in motion many questions.
The burden of fear and unknown outcomes for these young patients are
unmeasurable. One of many research programs is that of Leukemia.
Through research, the 5-year survival rate with acute lymphocytic
leukemia (ALL), which is the most common cancer in children, stands at
about 90% today, up from 57% for children diagnosed from 1975 to 1979
(American Cancer Society, 2018). It is reported this survival rate for
many childhood cancers continue to increase steadily.

My friend has a 5-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with
Ewing’s Sarcoma and it is so heartbreaking to watch the
innocence of this beautiful little girl has to deal with being in the
hospital, more chemo and all its horrible side effects. Through God
and treatment, she will hopefully be fine.


American Cancer Society (2018). Treatment and support. Retrieved

Discussion 4

Imagine that a family friend or colleague has just been
diagnosed with cancer. Explain how the American Cancer Society might
provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend
and why?

As a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization
dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem, the ACS
provide education and support in different ways to the patients across
the country. For instance, thru their toll-free help line, they have
specialist who are dedicated to providing timely responses to the
patients with questions regarding the treatment of cancer. Also, they
have a patient service center whose role is to offer comprehensive
advice on services patient needs and community resources useful in the
treatment of cancer. The ACS also, provides facts and figures relating
to cancer and the important of maintain a proper diet in an effort to
fight the epidemic. Most importantly, the ACS organizes community
based health awareness events which educates the people in the ways
necessary in preventing and managing cancer. I would recommend the
toll-free help line because the patients can give their personal
problems and concern to specific individual who are dedicated to
answering and educated them; the toll-free help line are timely and
always available.

According to statistics published by the American Cancer
Society, there will be an estimated 1.5 million new cancer cases
diagnosed each year over the next decade. What factors contribute to
the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in
Americans? What changes in policy and practice are most likely to
affect these figures over time.

The factors which contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality
rates of various cancers in America include;

  • Lifestyle changes. This is a major factor
    which contributes to the yearly incidence and mortality rates in the
    U.S., these include such things like, chronic use of alcoholic
    drinks, excessive use of tobacco and lack of physical
  • Increased cases of obesity. This is another
    factor which is associated with increasing rates of cancer in the
  • Inadequate screening tools. Inadequate screening
    facilities for early detection and education on preventive measures
    against cancer are among other factors leading to the increased
    cases of cancer as it is not detected early enough.
  • Exposure to carcinogenic agents such as asbestos, benzene,

The changes in policy and practices that is most likely to affect
figures over time include, changes in the lifestyle such as decreasing
number of smokers and use of alcohol and increased physical
activities. These have the potential of reducing the incidences of
cancer, as a result, affecting the figures. Also, enacting policies
regulating the use of tobacco and alcohol could help reduces the
number of individuals using tobacco substances as a result reducing
the risk of developing lung cancer and other related cancer illness.
Also, investing on tools that can help in the early detection of
cancer such as the cancer screening tools will play a role of early
detection of cancer hence prevention (American Cancer Society, 2008).

Select a research program from among those funded by the
American Cancer Society. Describe the program and discuss what
impact the research will have on the prevention or treatment of cancer.

Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program

This program provides opportunities for scientists to increase
understanding of cancer causes and prevention in human populations.
EGRP is the largest funder of etiologic cancer epidemiology grants
nationally and worldwide. The Program fosters interdisciplinary
collaborations and development and use of resources and technologies
to advance cancer epidemiology and its translation into clinical and
public health practice.


American Cancer Society. (2008). Cancer facts &
. The Society.

Molina, J. R., Yang, P., Cassivi, S. D., Schild, S. E., & Adjei,
A. A. (2008, May). Non-small cell lung cancer: epidemiology, risk
factors, treatment, and survivorship. In Mayo Clinic
(Vol. 83, No. 5, pp. 584-594). Elsevier.

Discussion 5

My nephew has been fighting cancer since the tender age of 15. My
sister-in-law is the rock that has been holding him up the last 4
years through multiple stages of chemotherapy, PET scans, new tumors,
new stages, and through life. She has informed me of
numerous availabilities offered in cancer resources. The American
Cancer Society is a main staple of resources promoting education on
latest research and treatments available to combat various forms of
cancer (American Cancer Society, 2018). The ACS also advocates
for cancer patients, endorsing political justice in the fight to
defeat cancer. Though my sister-in-law is versed in some
resources, the ACS stands to broaden her educational horizons in
cancer, diet, treatments and additional community resources available
she may not be aware of as my nephew transitions to adult
treatment (American Cancer Society, 2018). According to the ACS
website, there are over 1827 available resources in Texas,
alone (American Cancer Society, 2018). Additionally, the ACS has
24/7 communication lines promising support at hours unimaginable, when
strife or concern targets her worried mind (American Cancer
Society, 2018). In that one phone call, the ACS can present
information assistance for patient services, resource requests, or
just about any other cancer specific information she
requires (American Cancer Society, 2018).

Alcoholism, obesity, genetics, radiation exposure, diet, sunlight,
tobacco and longevity in the aging population are contributing to the
potential increase in cancer despite the decline in tobacco use in the
U.S. (National Cancer Institute, 2018). Also,
innovative technological advances are improving detection and may be
contributing to rises in cancer incidences, though not mortality rates
within the U.S. (American Cancer Society, 2018). Comprehensive
approaches to health promotion, epidemiological awareness, and
improved surveillance are some policy and practice changes most likely
to affect cancer rates in the U.S. (American Cancer Society, 2018).

Since mid-century 1900’s, the ACS has contributed greater than
$4.6 billion in research with hopes to one day eliminate
cancer (American Cancer Society, 2018). While the ACS offers a
host of research programs, one which directly affects my community
draws my interest. The Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
researches and investigates the complexities of health disparities
within communities and their relationship to increasing cancer
prevalence in the community. This ACS program seeks to discover and
foster health equality in diverse populations where significance of
cancer incidences and mortality rates continue. Identifying causes and
allocating funds to the prevention of cancers in areas with diverse
population and increased health disparities and in turn education
those who may be affected, potentially decreases the financial burden
on families affected and improves quality of life through health and
awareness (American Cancer Society, 2018).

The issue of significant increase in cancer rates is not solely
quantified by U.S. numbers. The rate of cancer mortality is
predominant in more impoverished regions like South America, Asia, and
Africa who make up >60% of all cancer mortalities,
globally (American Cancer Society, 2018). It is only through
education and awareness to the public that change is profound and ensures.


American Cancer Society. (2018). About Us. Retrieved
from Texas American Cancer Society:

American Cancer Society. (2018). About Us: Treatment and
. Retrieved from American Cancer Society:

American Cancer Society. (2018). About Us: What we do:
Multicultural Communities.
Retrieved from American Cancer

Naional Cancer Institute. (2018, April 27). About Cancer:
Cancer Statistics
. Retrieved from National Cancer Institute:…

Rio Grande Cancer Foundation. (2018). Programs and
. Retrieved from American Cancer Society El Paso:…

Discussion 6

The American Cancer Society (ACS) website is
very comprehensive with, it seems, a section for every aspect of
cancer: preventing, screening, education, the future of cancer,
research, support groups, free rides to treatments, free places to
stay during treatments, finding and paying for treatments, and the
list goes on (ACS, 2018). For the new cancer patient,either freind,
family or myself, I would suggest the 24 hour, 365 day information
center ,the National Cancer Information Center (NCIC), because
night time seems to be an especially scary and lonely time, a time
when anxiety and thousands of questions will likely present
themselves. This service provides up to date information to answer
those questions as well as connecting the caller with resources in
their local area such as support groups and where to find the centers
offering the best treatment options for specific types of cancer (ACS, 2018).

Occording to ACS Cheif Medical Officer Otis
Brawley, MD, FACP and Cheif Cancer Control Officer Richard Wender, MD
we have made great progress in reducing death from various types of
cancer, where we fail at achieving the full potential of reduction is
making quality screening and quality treatment available to everyone.
In this blog the discussion was centered on the goal of reducing
cancer related deaths by 50 % between 1990 and 2015, the actual
reduction was 25 %. Some area have great reduction while other areas
resulted in very little change, largely due to the disparity of
advanced screening methods and Advances in cancer treatment that are
proven to work. It seems that we are on the path to changing the way
heathcare is delivered. Changes in policy related to evidence based
pactrice to include those practices that work best and weeding out the
out dated practices that result in marginal survivor rates would be a
good start. Clearly a best practice would mandate advances screening
modalities, however advanced imagining machinery is expensive and not
all facilities would be able to afford these upgrades. Prehaps a
grading system that would allow potential patients to reveiw that
process the facility uses for cancer treatment might be helpful.

One exciting area of research that ACS is
funding is Liquid Biopsy. The hope is that researchers will develope a
simple blood test that will not only indicate the presents of cancer
before a tumor can be seen but will also pinpiont where the
cancer is located and how aggressive it is, meaning “does it need
to be treated” (ACS, 2018). The current state of the research has
focused on patients with known cancer by monitoring free floating
pieces of DNA referred to as circulating tumor DNA or ctDNA and
particular types of protiens. Liquid biopsies have shown value in
monitoring for reccurence before tumors can be seen and for monitoring
for genitic changes that may require an alteration in treatment.
There are many obstacles in the way of reaching the full potential of
this reseach however there is much hope that within the next ten years
this simple, inexpensive test will be availble to identify certain
types of cancer in their very earilest stages.


American Cancer Society retrieved on June 12, 2018 from

Cancer Mortality Progress Report: Past Success and
Future Challenges

Retrieved June 12, 2018 from

Liquid Biopsies Past, Present, Future retrieved on June 12, 2018


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