8-10 pg diet analysis use your choice of tracker



Points Possible: 140


  • The student will be able to analyze their current dietary habits using the https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/ (Dietary Guidelines for American’s) Diet Analysis on-line program.
  • The student will be able to evaluate their 3-day dietary intake against the Dietary Guidelines for American’s as well as a set of recognized dietary standards as presented throughout their textbook and class notes. In addition, students will have the opportunity to discuss components of the assignment in a non-graded asynchronous discussion thread week 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • The student will be able to complete a written report using listed criteria, which includes a personal plan for dietary changes.
  • The student will be able to design a diet plan based on the Dietary Guidelines for American’s.

General Instructions:

This assignment has three phases:

  • Data Collection – 3 Days (2-weekdays, 1-weekend day) Dietary data collection on provided food intake forms
  • Data Input – Accurate data input into online Diet Analysis program https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/CreateProfile.aspx
  • Discussion and Analysis – Discussion and analysis of Diet Analysis data

This assignment has two sections assembled exactly as detailed in the Table of Contents example:

  • Section 1 – Analysis and Essay
  • Section 2 – Diet Analysis Data Collection

Data Collection – Choose three days, one of which is either a Saturday or Sunday. Include each food, how it was prepared, and the exact amount you consumed. Keep track of your emotional status during meal or snack time.It is optional to keep track of your exercise activities, the duration of exercise in minutes, and the intensity of exercise.It is important that the data collections be recorded as accurately as possible, pay specific attention to portion sizes and descriptions of food items.

Data Input – Input data (i.e. your foods and beverage) into the super tracker computer program https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/. (see PowerPoint notes posted in weeks 1 and 4). Based on your daily activities, choose an appropriate activity level when requested on the computer program. Type food items consumed for each of the three days separately, as a result you will be able to printout a nutrient summary for each day as well as a three-day average.

Please note some additional recommendations. First, include in your “diet” analysis ONLY foods, NO supplements, bars, pills, or powders. You make select to complete a fourth day to compare, if you would like to compare your food intake vs your supplement intake. Second, use bottled water ONLY when recording water intake (even if you drink tap water). Finally, do NOT create a recipe of your own. If you can’t find the exact food item, select a food that is similar in-terms of macro and micro nutrient content.

Discussion and Analysis – Using the information obtained from the Diet Analysis (i.e. https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/) printouts, class notes, and information printed in the text, you will analyze and evaluate your diet in comparison to the Dietary Guidelines for American’s and other recognized dietary standards. Additionally, you will develop a personal plan to improve dietary habits. Finally, a reflection from a public/community health educator’s perspective.

This assignment must be presented in an APA essay format following the provided Table of Contents template EXACTLY. The Discussion and Analysis sections must include an introduction, organized body, and a conclusion.Papers should be proof read free of grammatical errors and misspelled words.


  • APA formatting of the paper to include both in-text citations AND references are required.


SECTION 1 – Discussion and Analysis

  • Introduction of the paper…………………..[]
  • Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison…………………..[]
  • Carbohydrate Intake Analysis…………………..[]
    • Carbohydrate Table…………………..[]
  • Fiber Intake Analysis…………………..[]
  • Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis…………………..[]
    • Calorie Graph ………………..…..[]
  • Body Mass Index Analysis…………………..[]
  • Energy Balance Analysis…………………..[]
  • Fat Analysis…………………..[]
  • Protein Analysis…………………..[]
  • Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis…………………..[]
    • Vitamin & Mineral Table…………………..[]
  • Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis…………………..[]
  • Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals…………………..[]
  • Forms and Printouts
    • Complete 3-Day Diet Analysis/Screen Shots
      • Profile (see sample)…………………..[]
      • Nutrient Report (see sample)…………………..[]
      • Daily Activity Log (optional)…………………..[]
  • Reference page in APA format…………………..[]
  • Grade Sheet…………………..[]

    SECTION 2 – Presentation of Data

    Your assignment must be in the following order with all questions answered in the order they are asked. Remember this is an ESSAY!!! Not, questions and answers. Essays include a clear introduction, organized body, and a conclusion.

    SECTION 1 – Discussion and Analysis

    1. Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison (10 Points)
      1. Introduction – Introduce the paper and give an overall synopsis of the project.
      2. Using quantifiable measures (i.e. 14 grams, milligrams, 22%, or cups) and the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/) compare and contrast your food intake from the weekend to the weekday.
    1. Carbohydrate (CHO) Intake Analysis (10 Points)
      1. Insert a table listing ALL the carbohydrates you consumed on your food intake sheets over your three-day sample period.Classify carbohydrates as “Simple CHO” or “Complex CHO” then rate the carbohydrates as a source of fiber. Show your calculation for ALL foods containing FIBER.


    CHO Foods

    Simple CHO

    Complex CHO

    Define Source of Fiber

    Apple with Skin



    Regular Soda



    Raisin Nut Bran Cereal



    “excellent source”

    5/25 x 100 = 20%

    Note: Simple carbohydrates (CHO) are foods made up of the monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, and galactose) and/or disaccharides (maltose, sucrose, and lactose).

    Note: Definition for “good source of”: the product provides between 10 and 19% of the Daily Value for a given nutrient per serving.

    Note: Definition for “high, rich in, or excellent source”: 20% or more of the Daily Value for a given nutrient per serving.

    Note: Show calculations. Example you consumed one serving of Raisin Nut Bran Cereal which provides 5 grams of fiber (see the label), the Recommended Fiber intake according to Daily Values (DV) is 25 grams per day.5 divided by 25 x 100 = 20% (this is an “excellent” source of dietary fiber).

    1. How can increasing your intake of complex carbohydrates / fiber along with reducing your intake of concentrated sweets improve your health status?
    1. Fiber Intake Analysis (5 Points)
      1. Define the recommended dietary fiber intake.
      2. If your dietary fiber intake was below recommended amounts what type of foods and in what amounts could you realistically add to your diet to increase fiber intake?
      3. If dietary fiber intake was adequate, list the foods that contributed significant amounts of fiber to your diet.
    1. Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis (5 Points)
      1. Using a bar graph, compare your actual three-day average caloric intake versus the recommended caloric intake found in your Diet Analysis.
    1. Describe your daily activities and justify the activity factor you chose for the Diet Analysis data entry.
    2. Would you expect to lose, gain, or maintain weight if you consistently consumed this calorie level?
    1. Body Mass Index (BMI) Analysis (5 Points)
      1. Compare your BMI results to standards found in the class textbook. (BMI is NOT percent body fat.)
      2. State your results, and evaluate them against the appropriate standard.
      3. Would you want to maintain, or change the BMI results?Why?
      4. Is the BMI method the most useful in assessing health risk?
      5. Is there another method that would give you more useful information?
    1. Energy/Calorie Balance Analysis (5 Points)
      1. Considering your answers in (IV) Caloric Intake VS Caloric Need and (V) BMI Analysis, what changes do you need to make with regard to energy balance?
      2. Do you need to increase or decrease calories and/or change the amount of your physical activity?
      3. What results would you want to achieve with these changes?
    1. Fat Analysis (10 Points)
      1. Discuss your total percentage of calories from fat (recommended: 30% or less).
      2. Evaluate the percentage of saturated fat calories in your diet (recommended: 10% or less).
      3. Evaluate your cholesterol intake using the American Heart Association standard (max 300 mg).
      4. Are there any areas of concern in your dietary saturated fat, total fat, or cholesterol?
      5. How would your eating habits be altered to control problem areas? Use several specific examples from your food choices to illustrate.
    1. Protein Analysis (10 Points)
      1. Discuss your main sources of protein.
      2. Compare these sources of protein with sources of saturated fat.
      3. How would eating plant protein vs. animal protein impact your saturated fat and total fat intakes?
      4. What are your concerns surrounding high protein diets?
      5. Define complete vs. incomplete proteins, and discuss them in the context of your dietary habits.
    1. Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis (20 Points)
      1. Using a table format (See Example), Compare your actual vitamin and mineral intake to the recommendations listed on your Diet Analysis profile.

    Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis Table (Example)







    % of Intake


    < 75 %


    > 200%

    * WNL



    Vitamin D

    5 mcg

    4 mcg

    80 %




    The most toxic of all vitamins. UL 50 mcg etc…

    Children: Rickets

    Adults: Osteomalacia etc…..





    * WNL = Within Normal Limits

    1. Compare the following nutrients
    1. In general, consuming less than 75% of your daily needs of vitamins and minerals, puts you at risk for deficiency. Consuming more than 200% of your daily needs, puts you at risk for toxicity.
    2. Possible deficiencies and toxicities should be included in your table as well as your written summary.
    3. Are toxicities a concern?
    4. Are deficiencies a concern?
    5. How would you correct any possible deficiencies or toxicities?
    6. List foods you would actually eat to correct deficiencies or toxicities.
    1. Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis (5 Points)
      1. Are you taking any vitamin or mineral supplements?
      2. If so, discuss supplement amounts compared with the amounts obtained in food.
      3. If not, are supplements necessary based on your findings?
      4. Are there any supplements you should be taking?
    1. Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals (20 Points)
      1. Considering problem areas identified in your diet and exercise lifestyle, list three specific changes you are willing to make to improve your personal nutrition habits.
      2. Set one goal each for achieving each of these three changes.
    1. How successful do you think you will be in achieving these goals?

    ***Keep in mind to point value for this question!

    1. Reflection (35 Points) * This section is the focus for this class * Write at least 1 full pages on this section!
      1. Now that you have an in-depth understanding of the USDA Dietary Guidelines (i.e. MyPlate); Do you believe that most Public Health/Community Health educators and professionals understand how to use the USDA MyPlate website? Why or Why not?
      2. Give detailed example to support your position.
    2. Correct use of in-text and reference list in APA format (-10 points)
    3. Screen shots of the complete diet analysis are required! (-10 Points)
    • Grade Sheet

    Additional Sources regarding APA

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pbUoNa5tyY

    2. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

    3. http://apa.org/

    Additional Sources from the course textbook

    1. Appendix A
    2. Appendix B
    3. Appendix D
    4. Appendix H

    Criteria & Points – 140 Points Total

    I.Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison

    Compare your food intake for the weekend day versus the weekdays.Using the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. My Plate), do they differ according to the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. My Plate) standards?Do they differ in breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, and fat from the recommended diet according to the Dietary Goals?If there is, or is not, a difference, how do you think your weekend dietary habits would change your overall health status? Then, consider your body weight in the same way. Do you see a trend in how emotions play a role in eating behavior?If yes, explain the differences you noted.If no, how might you want to change your dietary habits to fit the recommended Diet?Did alcohol contribute to your caloric intake?


    II. Carbohydrate Intake Analysis

    Discuss carbohydrate intake.Make a table, listing all carbohydrate food choices in your diet and classify them as complex or simple. In addition, identify sources of fiber. Identify when a food source is “good source” or “excellent source”, to highlight whether any of your carbohydrate food choices are high in fiber. How can increasing your intake of complex carbohydrates/fiber along with reducing your intake of concentrated sweets improve your health status?


    III. Fiber Intake Analysis

    Comment on dietary fiber intake.If dietary fiber intake was below recommended amounts (don’t forget to define the recommended intake), what types of foods (and in what amounts) could you realistically add to your diet to increase fiber intake?If dietary fiber intake was adequate, what foods contributed significant amounts of fiber? (list them)


    IV. Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis

    Evidence that student reflected their intake, activity, and data they used for computer analysis.Compare calorie intake (from your printout of your three-day average) and calorie needs. Describe your daily activities and justify the activity factor you chose.Would you expect to lose, gain, or maintain weight if you consistently consumed this calorie level?If your graph predicts weight gain OR weight loss, would it be fat or muscle?Do you expect this to really happen?Why or why not?


    V. BMI Analysis

    Compare BMI results to standards in the text.(BMI is not percent body fat.)State results and evaluate against the appropriate standard.Would you maintain or change the results?Why? Is this method the most useful in assessing health risk?If there another method that would give you more useful information?


    VI. Energy Balance Analysis

    Considering your answers to questions IV and V, what changes do you need to make in energy balance?Do you need to increase or decrease calories and or change the amount of physical activity?What results would you want to achieve with these changes?


    VII. Fat Analysis

    Discuss the total percentage of calories from fat (recommended: 30% or less).Evaluate the percentage of saturated fat calories in your diet (recommended: 10% or less).Evaluate your cholesterol intake using the American Heart Association standard (maximum 300 mg). Are there any areas of concern in saturated fat, total fat, or cholesterol? How would your current eating habits be altered to control problem areas? Use specific examples from your food choices to illustrate.


    VIII. Protein Analysis

    Discuss your main sources of protein.Compare these sources with sources of saturated fat.How would eating plant protein vs. animal protein impact your saturated fat and total fat intakes? How does the use of plant protein instead of animal protein affect the protein quality of the diet? What are your concerns surrounding high protein diets?


    IX. Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis

    Evaluate vitamins listed on the printout by comparing your intakes with 100% of the RDA (vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, and iron only).Using a table format, for each nutrient list symptoms of deficiencies or excesses. Note: Not based on you intake. Then list your results compared to the RDA percentage and identify those that are in the deficiency or excess range. Deficiency is less than 75%; excess is greater than 200%. How would you correct any deficiencies using foods you would really eat? Are excesses a concern? You must address each deficiency and each excess separately.


    X. Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis

    Are you taking any vitamin or mineral supplements?If so, discuss supplement amounts compared with the amounts obtained in food.If not, are the supplements necessary based on your findings?Are there supplements you should be taking? Defend your answer!


    XI. Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals

    Considering all problem areas identified, list three specific changes you are willing to make to improve your personal nutrition habits. Set one goal for achieving each of these changes using specific examples of changes in food choices or habits. One of these changes is to be implemented immediately (such as switching to 1% milk), one to be implemented in the next six months (such as collect some recipes for vegetables) and a third to be implemented in the next year (such as exercising daily).

    Include in your response how


    XII. Reflection Now that you have a better understanding of the MyPlate website; Do you believe that most Public Health/Community Health professionals understand how to use the USDA MyPlate website? Why or Why not? Give detailed example to support your position.



    Professional Presentation, Grammar, Spelling, Correct order of all required items. Proper font and word count, Other items such as correct use of in-text citations AND reference list. You MUST use at least 3 sources to support this paper. Sources must include your textbook, your Diet Analysis, AND a peer-reviewed research journal article of your choice.

    XIV. Forms and Printouts REQUIRED FOR GRADING

    Complete Diet Analysis printout (screen shots of the completed analysis are required for grading).

    TOTAL POINTS Possible = 140

    Having Trouble Meeting Your Deadline?

    Get your assignment on 8-10 pg diet analysis use your choice of tracker completed on time. avoid delay and – ORDER NOW


    Nursing Standards

    Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2018). Code of conduct for midwives. https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/Professional-standards.aspx

    Clinical Guidelines

    Guideline Adaption Committee. (2016). Clinical practice guidelines and principles of care for people with dementia. NHMRC Partnership Centre for Dealing with Cognitive and Related Function Decline in Older People. https://cdpc.sydney.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/CDPC-Dementia-Guidelines_WEB.pdf

    Living Guideline

    Stroke Foundation. (2022). Australian and New Zealand living clinical guidelines for stroke management – chapter 1 of 8: Pre-hospital care. https://app.magicapp.org/#/guideline/NnV76E

    Evidence-based practice

    BMJ Best Practice

    Goldfarb, S., & Josephson, M. (2020). Cystic fibrosis. BMJ Best Practice. https://bestpractice.bmj.com/

    Schub, T., & Cabrera, G. (2018). Bites: Head lice [Evidence-based care sheet]. Cinahl Information Systems. https://www.ebscohost.com

    Beyea, S. C., & Slattery, M. J. (2006). Evidence-based practice in nursing: A guide to successful implementation. http://www.hcmarketplace.com/supplemental/3737_browse.pdf

    JBI: Evidence summary

    Swe, K. K. (2022). Blood glucose levels: Self-monitoring [Evidence summary]. JBI EBP Database. https://jbi.global

    JBI: Best practice information sheet

    Bellman, S. (2022). Experiences of living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis [Best practice information sheet]. JBI EBP Database, 24(1), 1-4.

    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

    Srijithesh, P. R., Aghoram, R., Goel, A., & Dhanya, J. (2019). Positional therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD010990.pub2

    Drug Information

    Codeine. (2023, January). In Australian medicines handbook. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from https://amhonline.amh.net.au

    Colorado State University. (2011). Why assign WID tasks? http://wac.colostate.edu/intro/com6a1.cfm


    Dartmouth Writing Program. (2005). Writing in the social sciences. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/materials/student/soc_sciences/write.shtml

    Rutherford, M. (2008). Standardized nursing language: What does it mean for nursing practice? [Abstract]. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(1). http://ojin.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessionalNursing/Health-IT/StandardizedNursingLanguage.html

    Wagner, D. (n.d.). Why writing matters in nursing. https://www.svsu.edu/nursing/programs/bsn/programrequirements/whywritingmatters/

    Writing in nursing: Examples. (n.d.). http://www.technorhetoric.net/7.2/sectionone/inman/examples.html

    Perth Children’s Hospital. (2022, April). Appendicitis [Emergency Department Guidelines]. Child and Adolescent Health Service. https://www.pch.health.wa.gov.au/For-health-professionals/Emergency-Department-Guidelines/Appendicitis

    Department of Health. (n.d.). Who is being active in Western Australia? https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/U_Z/Who-is-being-active-in-Western-Australia

    Donaldson, L. (Ed.). (2017, May 1). Healthier, fairer, safer: The global health journey 2007-2017. World Health Organisation. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241512367

    NCBI Bookshelf

    Rodriguez Ziccardi, M., Goyal, G., & Maani, C. V. (2020, August 10). Atrial flutter. In Statpearls. StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK540985/

    Royal Perth Hospital. (2016). Procedural management: Pre and post (24-48 hours) NPS. Canvas. https://courses.ecu.edu.au



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